Woodstock W1814 manual Af`ek`e, Kf\\af`ekfek\af`ek\i#fk\j\jk\gj1

Page 26



The purpose of edge jointing is to produce a finished, flat-edged surface (see =`^li\j*-&*.) that is suitable for joinery or finishing. It is also a necessary step when squaring rough or warped stock.


@] pfl Xi\ efk \og\i`\eZ\[ n`k_ X af`ek\i# j\k k_\ [\gk_ f] Zlk kf '# Xe[ giXZk`Z\ ]\\[`e^ k_\ nfibg`\Z\ XZifjj k_\ kXYc\j Xj [\jZi`Y\[ Y\cfn% K_`j gifZ\[li\ n`cc Y\kk\i gi\gXi\ pfl ]fi k_\ XZklXcfg\iXk`fe%



(% Read and understandJ8=<KP, beginning on GX^\,.

)% Make sure your stock has been inspected for danger- ous conditions as described in the JkfZb@ejg\Zk`fe I\hl`i\d\ekj instructions, beginning on GX^\)(.

*% Set the cutting depth for your operation. Efk\1 N\ jl^^\jkY\kn\\e(Ð(-Xe[(Ð/]fi\[^\af`ek`e^# lj`e^Xdfi\j_Xccfn[\gk_]fi_Xi[nff[jg\Z`\jfi ]fin`[\jkfZb.

+% Make sure the fence is set to 90˚.

,% If your workpiece is cupped (warped), place it so the concave side is face down (=`^li\*.) on the surface of the infeed table.

-%Start the jointer.

.% Press the workpiece against the table and fence with firm pressure. Use your trailing hand to guide the workpiece through the cut, and feed the workpiece over the cutterhead (see =`^li\*-).

Efk\: @]pflic\X[`e^_Xe[^\kjn`k_`e+f]k_\ Zlkk\i_\X[#c`]k`klgXe[fm\ik_\Zlkk\i_\X[#Xe[ gcXZ\`kfek_\gfik`fef]k_\nfibg`\Z\k_Xk`jfm\i k_\flk]\\[kXYc\%Efn#]fZljpfligi\jjli\fek_\ flk]\\[\e[f]k_\nfibg`\Z\n_`c\]\\[`e^#Xe[ i\g\Xkk_\jXd\XZk`fen`k_pflikiX`c`e^_Xe[`]`k ^\kjn`k_`e+f]k_\Zlkk\i_\X[%Kfb\\gpfli_Xe[j jX]\#;FEFKc\kk_\d^\kZcfj\ik_Xe+]ifdk_\ Zlkk\i_\X[n_\e`k`jdfm`e^

/% RepeatJk\g. until the entire edge is flat.


=`^li\*-%Typical edge jointing operation.


Removed with


=`^li\*.%Illustration of edge jointing


Image 26
Contents DLCGHB6CJ6A Page KXYc\ffek\ekj @EKIFLK@FE@EKIFLK@FE NffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfikB68=C HE886IDCH FekifcjXe=\Xkli\j J8=KP JkXeXiJX\kp@ejkilZk`fejD8BJLIL8IJ8I@EGC88ENFIBFIIKCP9=FILJ@ED8?@EIP% `k`feXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fejfiAf`ek\ij 8mf``eGfk\ek`Xc@eali`\j =`li\.%Never joint end grain\Zki`ZXcJg\Z``ZXk`fej Fg\iXk`feOk\ej`fefij =`li\8% 5-15 plug and receptacleSee GX\ LegXZb`e@k\djE\\\fiJ\klg ?XinXi\EfkJfne  @em\ekfipAf`ek\i9fofek\ekj1=`li\8 & 9 Gfn\i dljk efk Y\ Zfee\Zk\ kf dXZ`e\li`ej\klgDXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ek \Xe`eDXZ`e\\eZDflek`e 8jj\dYcp KfXjj\dYc\k\af`ek\i#fk\j\jk\gj1Fence Support =`li\17%Fence Bracket DovetailKfXaljkk\be`\\`k#fk\j\jk\gj1 \Zb`e&8aljk`eBe`\ ?\`k=`li\ Ljkfcc\Zk`fe =`li\22% Checking each end of the knife With a straightedge\jkIle Kfk\jkilepfliaf`ek\i#fk\j\jk\gj1FGI8K@FEJ \e\iXc9Xj`Zfekifcj ⁄ 2 Min =`li\.% Correct setting for grain Alignment 10 Min?\i\Xi\jfd\ilc\jkffccfnn\eZffj`eXe af`ek`ejkfZb1 JhlXi`eJkfZb JliXZ\GcXe`e =`li\*,%Illustration of surface planing ResultsRead and understandJ8=KP, beginning on GX\ \Af`ek`eKf\\af`ekfek\af`ek\i#fk\j\jk\gj1 RepeatJk\g. until the entire edge is flat\m\clkk`e KfY\m\cZlkfek\af`ek\i#fk\j\jk\gj1ClYi`ZXk`fe \Xe`e$9\ckj `cp\ZbBlock Set Kfj\kk\0²jkfg#fk\j\jk\gj1Limit Plate Limit Block Rear Slot ScrewKfj\kk\`enXi+,²jkfg#fk\j\jk\gj1 \gcXZ`eBe`m\j Kfj\kk\flknXi+,²jkfg#fk\j\jk\gj1$9\ckI\gcXZ\d\ek Kfi\gcXZ\k\XeY\ck#fk\j\jk\gj1Dfkfi9iljI\gcXZ\d\ek Kfi\gcXZ\dfkfiYilj\j#fk\j\jk\gj1N`i`e`XiXd G8CJN@K? m`\n\ifdY\`eKiflYc\jffk`e Dfkfic\Zki`ZXcLkk`e G8IKJ JkXeGXikjC`jk DescriptionCXY\cj&fjd\k`ZGXikj G8IKJ $30,000-$39,000 $40,000-$49,000 NXiiXekpI\`jkiXk`fe20+ Years Modeltec Shop Notes Other Old House Journal Shotgun NewsPlace Stamp Here N8II8EKP =\FjVainBVXcZhVcYIddah