:C<8I@E>:?@GJ% Metal chips can easily cut bare
:?L:B B<P J8=<KP% A chuck key left in the chuck can become a deadly projectile when the spindle is started. Always remove the chuck key after using it. Develop a habit of not taking your hand off of a chuck key unless it is away from the chuck.
KFFCJ<C<:K@FE% Cutting with an incorrect or dull tool bit will often overload the bit and cause it to dig into the workpiece and snap. As a result, hot
JG<<; I8K<J% Operating the lathe at the wrong speed can cause nearby parts to break or the workpiece to come loose, which will result in dangerous projectiles that could cause severe impact injury. Large workpieces must be turned at slow speeds. Always use the appropriate feed and speed rates.
JKFGG@E> JG@E;C< 9P ?8E;% Stopping the spin- dle by putting your hand on the workpiece or chuck creates an extreme risk of entanglement, impact, crushing, friction, or cutting hazards. Never attempt to slow or stop the lathe spindle with your hand. Allow the spindle to come to a stop on its own or use the brake (if equipped).
CFE> JKF:B J8=<KP% Long stock can whip vio- lently if not properly supported, causing serious impact injury and damage to the lathe. Reduce this risk by supporting any stock that extends from the chuck/headstock more than three times its own diameter. Always turn long stock at slow speeds.
J8=< :C<8I8E:<J% Workpieces that crash into other components on the lathe may throw dan- gerous projectiles in all directions, leading to impact injury and damaged equipment. Before starting the spindle, make sure the workpiece has adequate clearance by
I<DFM@E>&@EJK8CC@E> :?L:BJ% Chucks are heavy and often oily and slippery to hold. Losing your grip on a chuck can lead to crushed hands or amputated fingers. To reduce this risk and protect the lathe bed, cover the bed with a sheet of wood and use a chuck cradle. For large chucks, also get the assistance of one or more people, and use an appropriate hoisting appara- tus when installing or removing.
J<:LI@E>NFIBG@<:<% A thrown workpiece may cause severe injury or even death. When swap- ping the chuck jaw positions,
:I8J?<J% Tooling or components that contact a spinning chuck may shatter sending metal frag- ments in all directions resulting in severe impact injuries and major damage to the lathe. Reduce this risk by releasing automatic feeds after use and checking clearances before starting the lathe.
:LKK@E> =CL@; J8=<KP% Contaminated cutting fluid is a toxic biohazard that can cause poison- ing from skin contact. Incorrectly positioned cutting fluid nozzles can splash on the operator or the floor, resulting in an exposure or slipping hazard. To decrease your risk, change cutting fluid regularly and use the system carefully.