A dead center can be used in the tailstock and lathe spindle to support workpieces. When used in this man- ner, make sure to keep the dead center tip and workpiece lubricated to prevent tip galling.
(% Feed the quill out about 1" and insert the dead cen- ter (=`^li\)(). The mating tapers provide the lock- ing fit.
)% Move the tailstock into position and lock in place.
Efk\1DXb\jli\k_\i\`jXZ\ek\i[i`cc\[_fc\`ek_\ \e[f]k_\nfibg`\Z\]fik_\[\X[Z\ek\i%
*% Feed the quill into the workpiece.
+% Lock the quill into place once the dead center and the workpiece rotate together. The quill may need to be adjusted during operation.
,% To remove the dead center, retract the quill until the dead center pops free.
Kf`ejkXccXeDK+[\X[Z\ek\i`ek_\jg`e[c\#[fk_\j\ jk\gj1
)% Remove the chuck from the spindle.
*% Install the MT#4 dead center in the spindle.
+% Attach the faceplate to the spindle, see =`^li\ )). Refer to Dflek`e^:_lZbXe[=XZ\gcXk\ on GX^\(- for details if required.
Efk\1 N_\elj`e^k_\[\X[Z\ek\i`ek_\jg`e[c\# lj\XcXk_\[f^jfk_XkpfligXikn`ccifkXk\n`k_ k_\]XZ\gcXk\Xe[efkjg`efek_\[\X[Z\ek\ik`g%
=X`cli\kfb\\g[\X[Z\ek\igf`ekn\cc clYi`ZXk\[n`cc^Xcck_\[\X[Z\ek\iXe[ nfibg`\Z\%
=`^li\)(% Inserted dead center.
=`^li\))% Faceplate and dead center