You can manually move the cutting tool around the workpiece using the three handwheels shown in =`^li\ )..
The compound rest handwheel controls the position of the cutting tool relative to the workpiece. The graduated dial on the handwheel indicates the depth of compound rest movement. The angle adjustment is held by two hex nuts on the base of the compound rest.
The cross slide handwheel moves the top slide toward and away from the workpiece. Turning the handwheel clock- wise moves the slide toward the workpiece. The gradu- ated dial on the handwheel indicates the depth of cross slide movement.
Compound Rest Handwheel
Cross Slide
=`^li\).% Manual handwheel controls.
The carriage handwheel moves the carriage left or right along the bed. This control is helpful when setting up the machine for turning or when manual movement is desired during turning operations.