I.C.T.C. Holdings Corporation operating instructions R.O. Industries 1150GSD Manual B Version

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build and then deliver or have an output of pressure. Once you have a basic understanding of the operation of the equipment and the effect created in one area and how it will effect operation in another area, you will be better able to diagnose and make repairs.

All H.E.R.O. hydrapulse membrane pumps are made up of two (2) distinct pumps. The first, and most important pump is the hydraulic pump. The hydraulic system is made up of two valves, the hydraulic intake valve (ref# 66) and the hydraulic outgo valve, known as the hydraulic pressure control valve (ref# 74). The second pump is known as the paint or material pump. The paint system is made up of two basic valves, the paint intake valve assembly (ref# 11-18), paint outgo valve, (ref# 26). A third valve, known as a prime valve (ref# 36) is used during the priming procedure, (see "setting up to spray"). For correct operation, all five valves must be in good working condition. For this manual we will refer to the two systems as "hydraulic" and "paint".

At the center of these two pumps is the hydrapulse membrane. The hydrapulse membrane is a flexible nylon disc which transfers the energy (pressure) created by the hydraulic pump, to create energy (pressure) in the paint pump. The function of the hydrapulse membrane is to create a barrier between the hydraulic oil and the spray material and transfer the energy created.

To fully understand and trouble shoot a H.E.R.O. pump, always keep in mind that "for every action, there is an opposite or corresponding re-action". For every action of the hydraulic intake valve (ref# 66), there is an opposite re-action of the hydraulic outgo valve (ref# 74). At the same time there are corresponding re-actions taking place within the paint pump. This means that as the hydraulic intake valve is opening, so is the corresponding paint intake valve, and while the hydraulic outgo valve is closing, so is the corresponding paint outgo valve. The operation and function of each valve is discussed at the end of this section.

For correct operation to begin, the hydraulic system must be fully primed and all air must be removed

( see "purging" page 18 ). Operation begins with piston in the backward position (fig.# 2). At this point the hydraulic intake is open, while the hydraulic outgo valve is closed. The corresponding paint valves are in similar positions.

As the piston moves forward, it pushes hydraulic oil forward. This movement of oil causes the hydraulic intake valve to close and the hydrapulse membrane to move forward (fig.# 1). The hydraulic outgo valve will remain closed until sufficient pressure is created to cause it to open. While the hydraulic valves are operating a corresponding re-action is taking place in the paint valves. The forward movement of the hydrapulse membrane pushes the paint, causing the paint intake valve, (ref# 11-18) to close. The trapped paint requires a means of release, so it forces the outgo valve, (ref# 26), to open and paint flows to the gun.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2




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Contents Airless Spray Equipment Version Beginning AT Serial NumberR.O. Warranty Important Safety Precautions Table of ContentsAlways R.O. Airless Spray Painting AlwaysHydrapulse B Version Beginning AT Serial Number Setting UP to SprayInstructions E R a T I N GAlways Paint Straining Flushing the Unit AT Shutdown Or Color Change Special Notes and InstructionsGAS Engine Airless Spray PaintingSuggestions and Technique Airless Spray Painting Suggestions and TechniqueSpray TIP Selection TIP Size For Application TroubleshootingSpray TIP Replacement Orifice SizeR.O. Industries 1150GSD Manual B Version Hydraulic Outgo Valve REF# 74, PART# 4-27C Paint Intake Valve Assembly REF#Hydraulic Intake Valve REF# 66 Paint Outgo Valve REF# 26, PART# 4-611C Prime Valve REF# 36, PART#Situation Gasoline Engine Wont START/RUN No PRESSURE, Blue Hydraulic Fluid in Paint Troubleshooting Sprayer does not Prime with Paint Hydrapulse Membrane Replacement Spray Pattern is Spotty or UnevenReplacement of Intake Seat RemovalPiston Repairs Tools RequiredSpecial Notes Outgo Valve REF# Prime Valve Repairs Pressure Control Valve O L S RequiredAccessories Parts List O L SParts List ZIP TIP INSERT, Available in the Following SizesKIT Description QTYAssy Outgo Parts Industries 1150GSD Manual B Version Drive Parts Decals 1150GSD Parts Schematic Manual B Version