Carrier 50CR Status Code 25, Invalid Motor / Model Selection, Status Code 26, Invalid Heater Size

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When the motor is commanded to stop, the MOTOR LED will be turned off. The MOTOR LED will not flash to indicate communications when it is turned off.

Unit control is constantly communicating with the motor, even when the motor and MOTOR LED are off. If motor does not acknowledge receipt of communications, the control will display Status Code 44 on STATUS LED and continue to try to communicate with the motor. If motor acknowledges communication, status code will be cleared.

If MOTOR LED is lit and flashing and motor does not run:

1.Check the STATUS LED. If STATUS LED is indicating a Status 44 code, check the motor wiring harness for proper connection to control and motor receptacles.

2.Check motor wiring harness to be sure all wiring complies with wiring diagram description, makes a complete circuit from connector to connector, and is not shorted.

3.Check 12-vdc low voltage supply to motor at pins 1 (+) and 2 (-) of motor header connection to unit control.

If all checks are normal, unit control is good and control module on motor may need replacement. Check motor and Motor Control Module following the instructions in Section C, ECM Motor Troubleshooting.

Shorted or mis-wiring of the low voltage motor harness wiring will not cause damage to unit control or to motor control module.

If the MOTOR LED is off, STATUS LED is indicating a Status Code 44 and motor is running:

1.Disconnect the motor harness at the unit control. If motor continues to run, unit control is good and control module on motor may need replacement.


On initial start-up, unit control shall poll motor for its size data and check unit size data stored in unit control memory.

1.If motor size is incorrect for unit size or size data is invalid, Status Code 25 will be displayed on STATUS LED.

2.If model size data is missing (as is the case when a replacement control board is installed), system User Interface will prompt installer to enter correct model size from a list of valid sizes.

3.If motor size is incorrect for model size, motor must be replaced with proper size motor. Unit control will not respond to operation requests until this fault condition is resolved.


On initial power-up, unit control will write into memory electric heater size as read from heater if heater is provided with Identifier Resistor (IDR). Heater size must be valid for combination of indoor and outdoor components installed. Unit control will read IDR value connected to pins 1 and 2 of heater harness connector. If no resistor is found, system User Interface will prompt installer to verify that no heater is installed. Verifying that this is correct will establish that the unit is operating without an electric heater accessory. Upon choosing negative option, installer will be prompted to select heater size installed from a list of valid heater sizes for unit size installed.

If heater ID resistor value read is invalid, Status Code 26 will be displayed on STATUS LED.

If heater installed is equipped with a resistor connected to pins 1 and 2 of heater harness connector and status code 26 is displayed on


1.Check wiring harness connections to be sure connections are secure.

2.If symptoms persist, disconnect wiring harness at unit control board and check for a resistance value greater than 5000 ohms.

3.Check for proper wiring of resistor assembly.

4.Make sure heater size installed is an approved size for unit and size installed.

NOTE: Unit control will not operate electric heater until this Status Code is resolved. If the heater size is set through the User Interface, the heater will be operated as a single stage heater. If staging is desired, the IDR value must be read in by the unit control.


Unit control is provided with circuitry to detect presence of a 24-vac signal on electric heater stage 1 and stage 2 outputs.

If unit control energizes either heater stage and does not detect the 24-vac signal on output, Status Code 36 will be displayed on the STATUS LED, unit control will continue to energize heater output(s) and adjust blower operation to a safe airflow level for energized electric heat stage(s).

To find the fault:

1.Check for 24-vac on heater stage outputs. Unit control or sensing circuit may be bad.

NOTE: It may be useful as an electric heater troubleshooting procedure to disconnect the system communications to force Status Code 16 enabling of emergency heat mode. It is difficult to know which heater output is energized or not energized in normal operation. When unit is operated in emergency heat mode using electric heaters, both outputs are energized and de-engergized together. Terminal strip inputs to control can then be connected R to W to turn on both electric heat outputs. Heater output sensing circuits can then be checked to resolve Status Code 36 or 37 problems.


If MOTOR LED is lit and flashing and motor does not run:

1.Check STATUS LED. If STATUS LED is indicating Status Code 41, motor control has detected that the motor will not come up to speed within 30 seconds of being commanded to run or that the motor has been slowed to below 250 rpm for more than 10 seconds after coming up to speed. Motor wiring harness and unit control are operating properly, do not replace.

2.Check to be sure that the blower wheel is not rubbing the housing.

3.Check motor to be sure that the motor shaft is not seized (motor control module must be removed and electronics disconnected from windings to perform this check properly).

4.Check motor windings section following instructions in Section C, ECM Motor Troubleshooting.

If all these checks are normal, the motor control module may need replacement.


If, at any time, system communications are not successful for a period exceeding 2 minutes, the unit control will only allow emergency heating or cooling operation using a common thermostat, and the R, C, Y, O, W terminal strip connections and will display Status code 16 on the amber STATUS LED (see section E, Emergency Heating and Cooling Modes). No further unit troubleshooting information will be available at the User Interface until communications are re-established.



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Contents Table of Contents Installation InstructionsIntroduction Safety ConsiderationsElectrical Shock Hazard Equipment Damage HazardRoof Curb for Small Cabinet Roof Curb for Large Cabinet Unit Leveling Tolerances 50CR024-036 Unit Dimensions 50CR042-060 Unit Dimensions Property Damage Hazard Rig and Place UnitInspection Unit Falling HazardRigging Bracket Under Unit Rain Lip Electrical Operation Hazard Select and Install DuctworkProvide for Condensate Disposal Physical Data Unit 50CR Typical InstallationHIGH-VOLTAGE Connections Routing Power Leads Into UnitConnecting Ground Lead to Ground Screw Routing Control Power WiresElectrical Data-50CR Electrical Data Legend Wiring Schematics-50CR Single Phase Wiring Schematics-50CR Three Phase Line Power Connections Accessory InstallationSTART-UP PRE-START-UP FIRE, EXPLOSION, Electrical Shock HazardUnit Start-Up Verify Motor Winding Section Status Code 45, Control Board Test FaultStatus Code 37, Heater Output Sensed on When not Energized Status Code 44, Motor Communication FaultStatus Code 25, Invalid Motor / Model Selection Status Code 36, Heater Output not Sensed When EnergizedStatus Code 41, Blower Motor Fault Status Code 16, System Communication FaultSequence of Operation Start-Up AdjustmentsCheck for Refrigerant Leaks Typical Heat Pump Operation, Cooling Mode Defrost Control Electric Heat Pressure Drop Table Small Cabinet Personal Injury and Unit Damage Hazard MaintenanceUnit Operation Hazard Outdoor Fan Air FilterIndoor Blower and Motor Outdoor Coil, Indoor Coil, and Condensate Drain PanIndoor Airflow Pressure SwitchesMetering Devices-TXV & Accurater Piston EXPLOSION, FIRE, Electrical Shock Hazard High-Pressure SwitchPersonal INJURY, Unit Operation Hazard System Information LOSS-OF-CHARGE SwitchTroubleshooting START-UP ChecklistObserve all warnings, cautions, and bold text Troubleshooting Chart Head pressure too low Troubleshooting Chart Cont’dSTART-UP Checklist