Craftsman 152.213371 operating instructions Available Accessories, Stock Number

Page 7


Visit your Sears Hardware Department or see the Sears Power and Hand Tool CataUog for the following acces- sories,

Sears may recommend other accessories not Hsted in this manual

See your nearest Sears Hardware Department or Sears Power and Hand Tool CataUog for other accessories,


30 micron filter bag (top)

5 micron filter bag (top)

PUasticcollection bag (bottom)

4" Diameter x 10'fiexiMe hose

4" Diameter x 25'fiexiMe hose

Various accessory fittings







See cataUog or store

Do not use any accessory unUess you have compUeteUy read the Owner's ManuaUfor that accessory,

Use onUyaccessories recommended for this Dust Collector, Using other accessories may cause serious injury and cause damage to the Dust Collector,

Image 7 Craftsman 152.213371 operating instructions Available Accessories, Stock Number
Contents Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, JL 60179 U.S.A ST CollRPM ONE-YEAR Full Warranty on Craftsman Professional Tool12, Keep Protective Guards in Place and in Working Order Before Usung the Dust Collector18AWG 21,EACHANDEVERYTmME,CHECK for DAMGujdeunes for Extension Cords Volt Operation only 25LONG 50LONGHoles VoltGrounded Outlet BOX Groundng Means For Dust Collectors SPECiFiC Safety iNSTRUCTiONSStock Number Available AccessoriesUnpacking AN Checking Contents and FigureHardware not Shown Page Disconnected from the Power Source Blower and Motor Assembly to Base AssemblyInlet U and tighten 6-inch hose clamp Make Certain the Dust Collector is Blower Motor AssemblyNlter and Collection BAG To Drum Assembly INTAKE Port toFlexible Hose to iNTAKE Port Assembly OFF POSiTiON Connecting Tool to Power SourceSTART/STOP Switch Locking Switch JNVolt Connection Dbconnected from the Power SourceDbconnect the Dust Collector from the Power Source Changing Motor VoltageTheuseof a lowratedmicronfilterandcollection ThingstoconsiderWhatisthemaximumC,RM,requiredforeachtool HelpfulhintsStatic Pressure Fiequjfements for a Dust Collection System MrequirementsfortoolsVariousFittings Likely Causes Solution TurnthepowerswitchOFFandunplugthepowerProblem AlwaysorderbyPARTNUMBER,notbykeynumber DUSTCOLLECTORPARTSUSTMODELNO.152.213371ON/OFF Page Page Para SU Seguridad Personal Anuai PropietarioRPM Seccion PaginaInstrucciones Generales DE Antes DE Utilizar EL Colector DE PolvoDE Largo Drectrices Para LAS Extensiones ElectricasDE LAS Drogas O DEL Alcohol Funcionamiento a 120 Voltios SolamenteConectado a Tierra Machos Portadores Machos PortadoresTomacorrbentesagujeros Orejeta DE AdaptadorPage Numero DE Exstencja Accesofhos DjsponjblesDesempaque Y DEL Contenjdo Figura 4 y Figura Ferreteria no Ilustrada Page Montaje DEL Ensamblado BEL Soplador Y EL Motor a LA Base Ensamblaje DE Ruedas Pjvotantes a LA BasePage Montaje DE LAS Bolsas DE Fjltro Y DE Recoleccjon AL Tambor Montaje DEL Puerto DE Admjsjon AL Motor DEL SopladorMontaje DE LA Ivianguera Flexible AL Puerto DE Djsyuntor DE Cjrcujtos Njando EL Jnterruptor a LA Posjcjon DE ApagadoConexion DE 120 Voltios Cambjando EL Voltaje DEL MotorConexion DE 240 Voltios Consejos Utiles Cosas a Tomarse EN CuentaCuadro de Requisitos De Presi6n Estatica Reductores Califieado comuniquese con el servicio de Sears Problema Causa Probable SolucionMstado DE Piezas DEL Colector DE Polvo O4/OFF Switch Circu Breaker Notas Ome