Miller Electric Invision 456MP Choosing Pulse Programs and Setting Parameters, Setting Arc Length

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4-7. Choosing Pulse Programs and Setting Parameters

Choosing Pulse Program:

Pulse programs are pre-written and cannot be changed by the user. See Section 5 for program parameters and recommended gas mixtures.

Choose program depending on the type and size of wire, and type of shielding gas used. For example, the program shown below is for .045 steel wire using Ar − CO2 gas.

> P r g 2 0 4 5 S t A r / C O 2

A d a p t i v e

Choosing Adaptive Or Non Adaptive:

Adaptive: Pulse frequency is automatically regulated to maintain a constant arc length, regardless of changes in wire stickout.

Non Adaptive: Constant pulse frequency is main- tained, regardless of the arc length.

Choose mode which best applies to your application.

Setting Arc Length:

Arc length is adjusted with the Output Adjust control. Displayed preset Trim values (0 − 100) are for reference only.

Adjustment normally needed if wire feed speed or type of weld joint is changed.

Set arc length that best applies to your application.

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Contents Processes OM-193 267RDescription File MIG GmawFrom Miller to You Table of Contents Page Arc Welding Hazards Symbol UsageElectric Shock can kill HOT Parts can cause severe burnsARC Rays can burn eyes and skin Fumes and Gases can be hazardousWelding can cause fire or explosion Flying Metal or Dirt can injure eyesFire or Explosion hazard Welding Wire can cause injuryFalling Unit can cause injury Moving Parts can cause injuryCalifornia Proposition 65 Warnings Principal Safety StandardsEMF Information About Implanted Medical DevicesUNE Décharge Électrique peut entraîner la mort Symboles utilisésLE Soudage peut provoquer un in cendie ou une explosion DES Pièces Chaudes peuvent provoquer des brûlures gravesLES Fumées ET LES GAZ peuvent être dangereux LES Bouteilles peuvent exploser si elles sont endommagées LE Bruit peut endommager l’ouïeRisque D’INCENDIE OU D’EXPLO- Sion LA Chute DE L’APPAREIL peut blesserLE Soudage À L’ARC risque de provoquer des interférences Proposition californienne 65 AvertissementsLES Fils DE Soudage peuvent provoquer des blessures En ce qui concerne les implants médicaux Principales normes de sécuritéInformation EMF OM-193 267 Duty Cycle and Overheating SpecificationsCV Mode CC Mode Dimensions and WeightVolt-Ampere Curves 394 mmSelecting a Location 350 ft 400 ft Put terminals Weld Output Terminals and Selecting Cable SizesARC Welding can cause Electromagnetic Interference Remote 14 Receptacle Information Connecting Weld Output CablesHz Three Phase Electrical Service GuideVolts AC Duplex Receptacle and Circuit Breakers Input VoltageSelecting Input Voltage For Models With Optional Ground Current Sensor Connecting Input PowerFor All Models = GND/PE Always connect grounding conductor firstFront Panel Controls Power SwitchMeter Functions Mode Meter Reading At Idle Meter Reading While WeldingExample Displays Synergic Controls and Overview Turn Output Adjust control to set arc length toExample ControlsStick appears Press Increment or Decrement button until MIG appearsPress Increment or Setup Screens Setting Arc Length Choosing Pulse Programs and Setting ParametersChoosing Pulse Program Choosing Adaptive Or Non AdaptiveOM-193 267 Overview of Programs Programs 150 652 342 538 369 600 138 449 206 484 125 624 274 512170 674 410 562 191 698 478 574145 550 354 430 320 441 156 345 472 222 371 120 511 288 402155 589 420 454 165 631 486 470240 336 120 258 550 160 270 649 200 298106 702 280 367 122 720 320 400705 180 291 652 220 312 663 260 338300 362 723130 684 561 482 498 463140 705 624 496 150 720 687 508230 541 451 674 498 705 140 515 741 185 527132 800 275 552 150 800 320 562Do not remove case when blowing out inside of unit Routine MaintenanceBlowing Out Inside of Unit Months802 314 / Ref Ref. ST-801 718 / Ref. ST-801 536-A Voltmeter/Ammeter Help Displays Trouble Remedy Error CodesTroubleshooting − Electrical Diagram 193 264-A Circuit Diagram For Welding Power Source 575 Volt Models 206 318-A − Parts List Dia Part Description Quantity Mkgs Optional Support ServiceYour distributor also gives Miller Electric Mfg. Co To locate a Distributor or Service Agency visitFor assistance in filing or settling claims, contact Your distributor and/or equipment manufacturer’s