4-7. Choosing Pulse Programs and Setting Parameters
Choosing Pulse Program:
Pulse programs are
Choose program depending on the type and size of wire, and type of shielding gas used. For example, the program shown below is for .045 steel wire using Ar − CO2 gas.
> P r g 2 0 4 5 S t A r / C O 2
A d a p t i v e
Choosing Adaptive Or Non Adaptive:
Adaptive: Pulse frequency is automatically regulated to maintain a constant arc length, regardless of changes in wire stickout.
Non Adaptive: Constant pulse frequency is main- tained, regardless of the arc length.
Choose mode which best applies to your application.
Setting Arc Length:
Arc length is adjusted with the Output Adjust control. Displayed preset Trim values (0 − 100) are for reference only.
Adjustment normally needed if wire feed speed or type of weld joint is changed.
Set arc length that best applies to your application.