SECURE CONSOLE SERVERS | NIS and User Port Permissions |
7.9 NIS and User Port Permissions
The SCS can use NIS to control user access to the Ports in addition to controlling user access to the SCS itself. This is an extension to the normal NIS capabilities. Some of the NIS files must be installed on your NIS server. The user must create/modify their NIS database to include records containing user port permissions.
Source documents, including this information, is stored on the hard drive of the SCS system.
NIS information is located in /usr/doc/nis.
7.9.1 User Port Control
The SCS can use NIS to control which user can access a port on the SCS. To utilize this feature, a database must be created on the NIS server. The following files are needed to set up the port access database:
lsi_port_access Port Access Permission Definition file lsi_port_user Port Access User Definition file
lsi_port_awk Port Access AWK file (required for the Make file)
Makefilenis.portAccess Make file used to build the LSI database
7.9.2 Changing Serial Port settings
Use 'stty' to change things like the port name, baud rate, hard/soft flow control. Note that these changes are temporary, and will but lost on the next reboot. To make the changes permanent, the file /etc/rc.d/rc.serial must be edited. This file contains a list of stty commands (one for each port).
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