11.2 Product Support
Logical Solutions Inc.’s support personnel are available Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 5:30PM, Eastern Time Zone.
If your application might require assistance at some time outside of our normal business hours, please contact us beforehand and we will do our best to make arrange- ments to help you with your Logical Solutions products.
11.2.1 Warranty
Logical Solutions Inc.’s products carry a one year warranty, with
For specific details about the product warranties, please contact Sales.
11.2.2 Return Authorization
If, for some reason, you need to return your Logical Solutions product to us, please get a Return Authorization Number (RA# or RMA#) from Logical’s Product Support department before sending the unit in. Return Authorization must include contact information (phone preferred) in the event we have any questions.
After receiving your RA Number, please ship the unit postpaid, with the RA# prominently displayed on the shipping container.
We will contact you about your product once we determine its status.
Products received without Return Authorization and/or Contact information may require additional attention on our part that may delay any desired service or support with your system.
11.2.3 Our Address
If you have any issue with the product, have product questions, or need technical assistance with your Logical SCS system, please call us (203)
If shipping something with an RA#, or if you’d like to write us, we are located at:
Logical Solutions Inc.
100 Washington Street
Milford, CT 06460 USA
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