mounted, then create the additional directories under the /mnt directory (e.g., /mnt/dir1, /mnt/dir2, /mnt/dir3...).
To test the mounting, enter the following:
Example: mount
To have this mount happen at startup, you must edit the file /etc/fstab. See the man pages above for details.
Here is a sample entry:
nyc:/isr/local/cvs /mnt/dir2 nfs hard,intr
7.11 SNMP
SNMP is supported in the SCS. SNMP is ‘read only’. Refer to the MAN pages for SNMP for more details.
7.11.1 Start SNMP
SNMP is started with the command service snmpd start
chkconfig snmpd on
7.12 syslog
Using default settings, the SCS will log all warnings and higher events. The SCS keeps a system log file called /var/log/messages. The level of logging is con- trolled by the file /etc/syslog.conf.
The SCS products can log the following:
•Notice level events:
•port settings changed
•begin and end interactive mode
•port buffer cleared
•Info level events:
•user settings modified
•Port buffer accessed
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