Installation results
The installation updates the system with components in the following table. By default, files are installed in the following directory: %Program Files%\HP BladeSystem Management Packs for Operations Manager. If you selected a different folder during the installation, files are installed in the selected folder.
Name | Type | Feature | Description |
HPBladeSystemManagementPackDir | Environment | N/A | Stores the |
| variable |
| destination folder |
Management Packs | Management | Management | Management |
\HewlettPackard.Servers.BladeSystem.mp | pack | packs | pack |
| |
Monitor Service | Dynamic link | Monitor service | PowerShell |
\HewlettPackard.Servers.BladeSystem. | library |
| CmdLet DLL |
| |
HPBladeSystemEnclosureCmdLets.dll |
Monitor Service \HewlettPackard.Servers.BladeSystem. HPBladeSystemEnclosureCmdLets.dll.InstallState
Monitor Service \HewlettPackard.Servers.BladeSystem. HPBladeSystemEnclosureEventManager.dll
Monitor Service \HewlettPackard.Servers.BladeSystem. HPBladeSystemEnclosureEventManager.dll.InstallState
Monitor Service \HPBladeSystemEnclosureEventMessages.dll
Monitor Service
\ HPBladeSystemEnclosureMonitorService.exe
Monitor Service \HPBladeSystemEnclosureMonitorService.exe.config
Release Notes and Documents \HPBladeSystemMPTroubleshootingAssistant.chm
Release Notes and Documents \HPBladeSystemMPUserGuide.chm
Release Notes and Documents \HPBladeSystemMPLicense.rtf
Release Notes and Documents \HPBladeSystemMPReleaseNotes.rtf
Tools \HPBladeSystemEnclosureMonitorManager.exe
InstallUtil State | Monitor service | State file |
file |
| generated by |
| InstallUtil during |
| the installation |
Dynamic link | Monitor service | DLL used for |
library |
| monitoring |
InstallUtil State | Monitor service | State file |
file |
| generated by |
| InstallUtil during |
| the installation |
Dynamic link | Monitor service | NT Event |
library |
| message catalog |
| file |
Executable | Monitor service | The monitor |
| service software |
Configuration file | Monitor service | Configuration file |
| for the monitor |
| service |
Document | Release notes | Troubleshooting |
| and documents | Assistant |
| document |
Document | Release notes | User guide |
| and documents |
Document | Release notes | License document |
| and documents |
Document | Release notes | Release notes |
| and documents |
Tool | Console Task | HP BladeSystem |
| Tools | Enclosure Monitor |
| Manager |
Log | N/A | Logging text data |
| of installation |
| scripting result |
10 Installing HP BladeSystem Management Pack 1.x