AD data, the buffer size must large than the number of AD conversion.
In DOS environment, please make sure this memory is double
D11 D10 D9 | .......................D1 D0 | C3 C2 | C1 C0 |
D11, D10, ..., D1, D0 : A/D converted data
C3, C2, C1, C0 : converted channel no.
c1 : the
c2 : the
uReturn Code
ERR_InvalidADChannel, ERR_AD_InvalidRange,
See Demo Program 'AD_DEMO5.C'
5.18 _9112_CheckHalfReady
When you use _9112_ContDmaStart() to convert A/D data then you must use _9112_CheckHalfReady() to check data ready or not in the circular buffer, size of data is half of the circular buffer (count/2) and using _9112_DblBufferTransfer() to get data.
Visual C++
int W_9112_CheckHalfReady (int card_number, int * halfReady)
Visual Basic
int W_9112_CheckHalfReady (ByVal card_number As Long, halfReady As Long) As Long
C/C++ ( DOS)
int _9112_CheckHalfReady(int card_number, int *halfReady )