A p p e n d i x A . D e m o .
P r o g r a m s
DOS Software:
In this software CD, there are 8 DOS demonstration programs are provided. They could help you to program your application by using C Language Library easily. The description of these programs are specified as follows:
AD_DEMO1.C : | A/D conversion uses software trigger |
| and program data transfer. |
AD_DEMO2.C | A/D conversion uses interrupt and |
| program data transfer. |
AD_DEMO3.C : | A/D conversion uses DMA data transfer. |
AD_DEMO4.C : | A/D conversion uses software trigger |
| and program data transfer. |
| ( autoscan enable, |
AD_DEMO5.C | A/D conversion uses interrupt and |
| program data transfer. |
| autoscan enable, |
AD_DEMO6.C : | A/D conversion uses DMA data transfer. |
| autoscan enable, |
AD_DEMO5.C : | Continue A/D converted by DMA |
| transfer |
DA_DEMO.C : | D/A conversion |
DIO_DEMO.C : | Read/Write data from digital input/output |
| channels |
Windows 95 DLL:
There are several demonstration programs for Windows 95 DLL. They could help you to program your application by using C/C++ or Visual Basic Language to link with DLL library. You can learn how to program and link with DLL library of