This function is used to stop the interrupt data transfer function. After executing this function, the internal AD trigger is disable and the AD timer is stopped. The function returns the number of the data which has been transferred, no matter whether if the AD interrupt data transfer is stopped by this function or by the _9112_AD_INT_Stop() itself.
@ Syntax
Visual C++
int W_9112_AD_INT_Stop(int card_number, int * count)
Visual Basic
W_9112_INT_Stop(ByVal card_number As Long, count As Long) As Long
C/C++ ( DOS)
int _9112_AD_INT_Stop(int card_number, int *count )
@ Argument :
card_number : the card number of
count : the number of A/D data which has been transferred.
@Return Code :
@Example :
See Demo Program 'AD_DEMO2.C' , ‘AD_DEMO5.C’
5.25 _9112_AD_Timer
This function is used to setup the Timer #1 and Timer #2.
Timer #1 & #2 are used as frequency divider for generating constant A/D sampling rate dedicatedly. It is possible to stop the pacer trigger by setting any one of the dividers as 0. Because the AD conversion rate is limited due to the conversion time of the AD converter, the highest sampling rate of the