Using the fibreutils RPM
HP recommends using the fibreutils RPM that is included with the driver kit. It contains useful utilities for managing
# rpm
For more information about fibreutils, see the file /opt/hp/hp_fibreutils/README.
Changing driver parameters
To change driver parameters:
1.Run the set_parm script, located in the /opt/hp/src… directory.
2.Reboot the server; otherwise, you may not be able to unload the qla2300 driver if there is a process or file system using a device connected to the HBA.
Loading and unloading the qla2300 driver manually
By loading the qla2300 driver manually, you can access the devices and unload the driver without rebooting the system.
To load the qla2300 driver, enter the following command:
# modprobe qla2300
NOTE: HP recommends using the modprobe command to load the driver so that any driver parameter value specified in the /etc/modules.conf file takes effect.
Alternatively, you can load the driver by entering the following command from the directory that contains the qla2300.o file:
1.Enter the insmod command. For example:
#insmod qla2300.o
2.If your system has a previous version of the qla driver, rename the old binary included in the original distribution to ensure that it does not interfere with the new version as follows:
#cd /lib/modules/kernel_release_version/kernel/drivers/addon/qla2300
#mv qla2300.o qla2300_rh.o
3.After renaming the old driver, update the dependency file, then load the new driver using the modprobe command.
4.To unload the qla2300 driver manually, enter the command as shown in the following example:
#modprobe –r qla2300
FC1142SR and FC1242SR DC 4Gb PCI Express host bus adapters for Linux and Windows installation guide 19