6 Use HP Instant Share
HP Instant Share makes it easy to share photos with family and friends. Using the HP Image Zone software installed on your computer, select one or more photos to share, select a destination for your photos, and then send the photos. You can even upload your photos to an online photo album or an online photo finishing service. Availability of services varies by country/region.
With HP Instant Share
Use HP Instant Share to send scanned images or documents from your HP
Note You can also send images to a friend's or relative's
For more information on scanning an image, see Use the scan features.
Get started
You must have the following to use HP Instant Share with your HP
●An HP
●Broadband Internet access through the computer to which the HP
●HP Image Zone software installed on your computer. Mac users have an HP Instant Share client application.
Send images using your computer
The HP Image Zone software lets you select and edit one or more images, and then access HP Instant Share to select a service (for example, HP Instant Share
●HP Instant Share
●HP Instant Share
●Online Albums
●Online photo finishing (availability varies by country/region)
Note For more information on using Instant Share and the HP Image Zone software or the HP Instant Share client application (Mac), see the onscreen HP Image Zone Help.
Use HP Instant Share
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