The printer can send faxes but cannot receive faxes
•If you are not using a distinctive ring service, check to make sure that the Distinctive Ring feature on the printer is set to All Rings.
•If Auto Answer is set to Off, or if you subscribe to a voicemail service on the same phone line that you will use for faxing, you can only receive faxes manually.
•If you have a computer
•If you have an answering machine on the same phone line with the printer:
•Other equipment that uses the same phone line might be causing the fax test to fail. You can disconnect all the other devices and run the test again. If the Dial Tone Detection Test passes, then one or more of the other equipment is causing problems. Try adding them back one at a time and rerunning the test each time until you identify which piece of equipment is causing the problem.
Solve setup problems 27