When a DHW Demand is present, the Relay 9 / DHW con- tact (terminals 30 and 31) is closed and the primary pump contact is closed. Priority can only be obtained using exter- nal wiring. During a priority override, the Relay 9 / DHW contact is opened until the heating system has recovered before returning to DHW operation, see Figure 19. This mode can be used if a DHW tank is piped in direct return and a DHW valve is installed.
FIG. 19 |
The DHW Priority Override applies to DHW MODE 2 and 4. To prevent the building from cooling off too much or the pos- sibility of a potential freeze up during DHW priority, the con- trol limits the amount of time for DHW priority. The length of DHW priority time is determined using the Priority Override setting. Once the a llowed t ime for priority has elapsed, the control overrides the DHW priority and resumes space heating.
To provide external DHW priority in DHW Mode 4, the space heating zones must be interlocked with the Relay 9 / DHW contact, Figure 20. During DHW demands, the Relay 9 / DHW contact must remove any power to all space heating zone valves or zone pumps.
FIG. 20 |
The Conditional DHW Priority Override applies to DHW MODE 2 and 4. If the boiler supply temperature is main- tained at or above the required temperature during DHW generation, this indicates that the boiler(s) has enough capacity for DHW and possibly heating as well. As long as the boiler supply temperature is maintained near its target and the heating and DHW targets are similar, DHW and heating occurs simultaneously.
After the DHW Demand is removed, the control performs a purge on the boiler(s). The control shuts off the boiler(s) and continues to operate either the DHW pump or the DHW valve and the system and boiler pump if applicable. This purges the residual heat from the boiler(s) into the DHW tank. The control continues this purge for a maximum of two minutes or until the boiler supply water temperature drops 20° F (11°C) below the boiler target temperature during the DHW operation. The control also stops the purge if the boil- er supply temperature is close to the current boiler target temperature.
After DHW operation, the boiler(s) is extremely hot. At the same time, the heating zones may have cooled off consid- erably after being off for a period of time. To avoid thermal- ly shocking the boiler(s) after DHW in parallel with priority (DHW MODE 2), the control shuts off the boiler(s), but con- tinues to operate the DHW while restarting the heating sys- tem. This allows some of the DHW return water to mix with the cool return water from the zones and temper the boiler return water (FIG. 21).
FIG. 21 |
If the control receives a DHW Demand during an unoccu- pied period, the control can either continue operation of the DHW system as it would during the occupied period or the control can ignore a DHW Demand for the duration of the unoccupied period.