Pripremite cijelu količinu namirnica koje ćete sjeckati, uklonite kosti, dijelove hrskavice i žile.
Izrežite meso na komade (otprilike 2cm X 2cm).
Koristan savjet:
Na kraju postupka, možete staviti nekoliko komadića hljeba kako bi izašli svi ostaci smjese koju ste samljeli.
Šta uraditi ako se namirnica zaglavi ?
Zaustavite mašinu za mljevenje pritiskom na položaj „0“ tipke za pokretanje/zaustavljanje A.
Pritisnite zatim nekoliko sekundi tipku „Nazad“ B kako biste izbacili namirnice. Pritisnite položaj „I“ tipke za pokretanje/zaustavljanje A kako biste nastavili mljevenje.
Prepare all the food you wish to mince, removing any bones, cartilage or nerves. Thaw frozen food completely before mincing.
Cut the meat into pieces (approximately 2 cm x 2 cm).
When you have finished mincing put a few pieces of bread through the mincer to push out all the meat.
What should you do in the event of a blockage?
Stop the mincer by pressing the “0” position on the start/stop button A.
Then press the “Reverse” button B for a few seconds in order to clear the blocked food.
Press position “I” on the start/stop button A to continue mincing.
Bereid de gewenste hoeveelheid voedingsmiddelen voor: verwijder alle botten, kraakbeen en zenuwen.
Snijd het vlees in stukken (stukjes van ongeveer 2 cm X 2 cm).
Als al het vlees door de molen is gegaan, kunt u nog enkele stukjes brood malen om al het gehakt uit de molen te duwen.
Wat te doen bij verstopping?
Zet de
Druk gedurende enkele seconden op de knop « Reverse » B om het voedsel los te krijgen.
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