Samsung EC-ES55ZABA/IT Inserting the battery and memory card Charging the battery, With the gold

Page 6

Setting up your camera

Inserting the battery and memory card

Charging the battery



With the gold-

Before using the camera for the first time, you must


coloured contacts

charge the battery.


facing up











































3 With the Samsung logo facing up

Removing the battery Removing the memroy card


Push gently until the card disengages from the camera and then pull it out of the slot.

Indicator light

▪▪ Red: Charging

▪▪ Green: Fully charged

Image 6 Samsung EC-ES55ZABA/IT, EC-ES55ZPBP/FR manual Inserting the battery and memory card Charging the battery, With the gold
Contents Quick Start Manual Contents English Protect batteries, chargers, and memory cards from damageCamera layout Unpacking Optional accessoriesCamera Rechargeable Battery Camera strap Quick Start Manual Software CD-ROMIndicator light Red Charging Green Fully charged Inserting the battery and memory card Charging the batteryColoured contacts Charge the battery With the goldTurning on your camera Selecting optionsPress Shutter all the way down to take the photo Press To select Align your subject in the frameAutomatically Taking a photoViewing photos Viewing videosUse the following buttons to control playback Disconnecting safely for Windows XP Connect the camera to the PC with the USB CableClick Specifications Image sensor Lens Display Focusing Shutter speed StorageDE-2 InhaltHinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit Gesundheit… ………………… Aufbau der Kamera… ………DE-3 DeutschAchtung Aufbau der Kamera DE-4Auspacken Inbetriebnahme der KameraDE-5 Optionales ZubehörAkku und Speicherkarte einsetzen Akku aufladen Inbetriebnahme der KameraDE-6 Mit den goldfarbenenOptionen auswählen DE-7Kamera einschalten Drücken Sie Um zu wählen Fotos und Videos aufnehmenDE-8 Automatisch zu fokussierenDE-9 SymbolenDateien wiedergeben Fotos anzeigen→ Wechseldatenträger → Dcim → Dateien auf einen PC Windows übertragenDE-10 Sicheres Abtrennen unter Windows XPTechnische Daten DE-11FR-2 SommaireInformations relatives à la santé et à la sécurité Informations relatives à La santé et à la sécurité………Manipulez et stockez votre appareil avec soins FrançaisFR-3 Protégez les batteries, les chargeurs et les cartes mémoirePrésentation de lappareil photo FR-4FR-5 Accessoires en optionAssemblage de votre appareil photo Contenu du coffretLa puce est Assemblage de votre appareil photoFR-6 Orientée vers le ’utiliser l’appareil photo HautSélection des options FR-7Mise en route de lappareil Prise de vues photo ou vidéo FR-8Appuyez sur Ou sur pour parcourir Les fichiers Lecture de fichiersFR-9 La lectureSaffichent Transfert de fichiers vers un PC WindowsFR-10 Débranchement en toute sécurité pour Windows XPFR-11 Batterie rechargeable Dimensions l x h x p PoidsCaractéristiques Capteur dimages ObjectifIT-2 ContenutoInformazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza Specifiche……………………Italiano IT-3Attenzione Layout fotocamera IT-4IT-5 Accessori opzionaliPreparazione della fotocamera Apertura dellimballaggioPreparazione della fotocamera IT-6Come caricare la batteria Selezione delle opzioni IT-7Come accendere la fotocamera Scattare una foto Cattura di foto o videoIT-8 Premete OtturatoreVisualizzazione delle fotografie Riproduzione di fileIT-9 Premete Per scorrere i fileDisco rimovibile → Dcim → 100SSCAM Trasferimento di file ad un PC WindowsIT-10 Disconnessione sicura per Windows XPSpecifiche IT-11PL-2 Spis treściInformacje na temat zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa OstrzeżenieAparatem należy obchodzić się ostrożnie i rozważnie PL-3Przestrogi Należy unikać narażania akumulatorów i kartUkład aparatu PL-4PL-5 Konfiguracja aparatuPolski Wyjmowanie aparatu z opakowaniaKonfiguracja aparatu PL-6Wkładanie akumulatora i karty pamięci Ładowanie akumulatora PL-7 Naciśnij przycisk PowerWybieranie opcji Włączanie aparatuRobienie zdjęć lub nagrywanie filmów PL-8Nagrywanie filmu Odtwarzanie plików PL-9Przeglądanie filmu PL-10 Bezpieczne usuwanie sprzętu dotyczy systemu Windows XP→ Dysk wymienny → Dcim → 100SSCAM Specyfikacje PL-11CS-2 ObsahInformace k bezpečnosti a ochraně zdraví Informace k bezpečnosti aČeština CS-3Pozor Uspořádání fotoaparátu CS-4Rozbalení Uvedení do provozuCS-5 Použití KabelLogem Samsung směrem nahoru Uvedení do provozuCS-6 KontrolkaVolba možností CS-7Zapnutí fotoaparátu Pořízení snímků či videa CS-8Snímání videa Zobrazení snímků Přehrávání souborůCS-9 Stiskněte Pomocí Nebo se pohybujte SouborechVložte instalační CD do mechaniky CD-ROM Přenos souborů do PC ve WindowsCS-10 Zapněte fotoaparátTechnické údaje CS-11SK-2 Prenos súborov do PC Vo Windows… ………………10Varovania Batériami a nabíjačkou zaobchádzajte správne SK-3Slovenčina Fotoaparát noste opatrne a dávajte naň pozorTlačidlo spúšte Vypínač Power Usporiadanie fotoaparátuSK-4 Rozbalenie Uvedenie do prevádzkySK-5 Voliteľné príslušenstvoVloženie batérie a pamäťovej karty Nabíjanie batérie Uvedenie do prevádzkySK-6 Zlatými kontaktmiVoľba možností SK-7Zapnutie fotoaparátu Vytvorenie snímok či videa SK-8Snímanie videa Zobrazenie snímok Prehrávanie súborovSK-9 Nasledujúce tlačidláPrenos súborov do PC vo Windows SK-10Bezpečné odpojenie vo Windows XP SK-11 HU-2 TartalomEgészségvédelmi és biztonsági tudnivalók Fénykép vagy videó Rögzítése… ……………………HU-3 MagyarVigyázat Fényképezőgép kialakítása HU-4Kicsomagolás Fényképezőgép beállításaHU-5 Külön beszerezhető tartozékokFényképezőgép beállítása HU-6Az akkumulátor feltöltése Beállítások kiválasztása HU-7Fényképezőgép bekapcsolása Félig a Kioldógombot Fénykép vagy videó rögzítéseHU-8 KioldógombotFájlok lejátszása HU-9Fájlok átvitele a számítógépre Windows HU-10Fényképezőgép biztonságos leválasztása Windows XP Műszaki adatok HU-11Cuprins Informaţii referitoare la sănătate şi siguranţăRO-2 Manevraţi şi eliminaţi bateriile şi încărcătoarele cu grijă RomânăRO-3 AtenţionăriAspectul camerei foto RO-4Buton declanşator 2 Buton Pornire Despachetarea Configurarea camerei fotoRO-5 Accesorii opţionaleCu contactele Configurarea camerei fotoRO-6 Aurii orientate Încărcaţi bateria În susRO-7 Apăsaţi pe PowerUtilizarea ecranului cu atingere Pornirea camerei fotoCapturarea fotografiilor sau a videoclipurilor RO-8Fotografierea Apăsaţi pe Sau pe pentru a derula Fişierele Redarea fişierelorRO-9 Vizualizarea videoclipurilorDeconectarea în siguranţă pentru Windows XP Transferarea fişierelor pe un PC WindowsRO-10 Amovibil → Dcim → 100SSCAMSpecificaţii RO-11Съдържание Информация за здраве и безопасностBG-2 BG-3 ВниманиеСъхранявайте и боравете с камерата внимателно и разумно Подредба на елементите на камерата BG-4BG-5 Настройване на камератаБългарски РазопакованеКлемите в златист Настройване на камератаBG-6 Цвят трябва да са сОпции за избор BG-7Включване на камерата Заснемане на снимки или видеоклипове BG-8Натиснете Или , за да преминете През файловете Пускане на файловеBG-9 Служете със следните бутониМоят компютър → Сменяем диск → Dcim Прехвърляне на файлове на компютър за WindowsBG-10 → 100SSCAMСензор за изображение СпецификацииBG-11 ОбективΠεριεχόμενα Πληροφορίες για την υγεία και την ασφάλειαEL-2 EL-3 ΕλληνικάΠροσοχή Διάταξη φωτογραφικής μηχανής EL-4Περιεχόμενα συσκευασίας Ρύθμιση της φωτογραφικής σας μηχανήςEL-5 Προαιρετικά εξαρτήματαΦόρτιση της μπαταρίας Ρύθμιση της φωτογραφικής σας μηχανήςEL-6 Με τις χρυσές επαφέςΟρισμός επιλογών EL-7Ενεργοποίηση της φωτογραφικής μηχανής Λήψη φωτογραφίας Λήψη φωτογραφιών ή βίντεοEL-8 Εγγραφή βίντεοΠροβολή φωτογραφιών Αναπαραγωγή αρχείωνEL-9 Ελέγξετε την αναπαραγωγήΜου → Αφαιρούμενος δίσκος → Dcim → Μεταφορά αρχείων σε υπολογιστή WindowsEL-10 Ασφαλής αποσύνδεση για Windows XPΕπαναφορτιζόμενη Μπαταρία Διαστάσεις Π x Υ x Β Βάρος ΠροδιαγραφέςEL-11 Υγρασία λειτουργίαςAD68-03917A
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The Samsung EC-ES55 series of digital cameras represents a unique combination of style, functionality, and advanced photographic technology. This series includes various models such as the EC-ES55ZABP/AU, EC-ES55ZSBP/ME, EC-ES55ZBDP/ME, EC-ES55ZABA/E3, and EC-ES55ZPBP/RU, each tailored to meet diverse photographic needs while maintaining an elegant design.

One of the standout features of the EC-ES55 series is its impressive 12.2-megapixel image sensor, which captures vibrant and high-resolution images across a wide range of lighting conditions. This is complemented by a powerful 5x optical zoom lens that enables users to frame their shots with precision, whether they are at a distance or up close. The ability to capture detailed images enhances the overall photography experience, making these cameras excellent choices for both beginners and seasoned photographers.

Additionally, the cameras in this series are equipped with Samsung's Smart Auto technology, which intelligently selects the best shooting settings based on the scene being captured. This feature simplifies the photography process, allowing users to focus on composition and creativity rather than technical adjustments. The EC-ES55 cameras also boast various scene modes that cater to different environments, including portrait, landscape, and night photography.

Furthermore, Samsung integrates a range of user-friendly features, including a 3-inch LCD screen that provides clear image previews and an intuitive interface for easy navigation. The cameras' compact and lightweight design ensures portability, making them perfect for travel or casual outings.

In terms of video recording capabilities, the EC-ES55 series supports 720p HD video capture, enabling users to document their moments in high-definition. Coupled with enhanced image stabilization, users can capture smooth and stable video footage, whether while walking or in dynamic environments.

Lastly, with the inclusion of built-in image editing capabilities, users can retouch their photos directly from the camera, adding creative touches without the need for a computer. Overall, the Samsung EC-ES55 series combines advanced features, versatile shooting options, and a sleek design that appeals to a wide range of photography enthusiasts, ensuring memorable moments are captured in exquisite detail.