product introduction
This controller is best designed for a single entry door control (single door access control).
It can store up to 512 cards including the Master Card that enables you to register, delete or set various user cards to your preference.
This product features 5 external ports that can be connected to the Exit button, Door Contact Sensor, Motion Sensor, and Fire Sensor. It also has 2 relay outputs that can control the door lock and alarm relay. The dual tamper switch triggers an alert if the product is forcibly disassembled.
You can use the keypad to configure all settings as necessary. This product is designed for a standalone system.
Single Door Access Control
You can use the RF card
User Registration
You can register a total of 512 cards including the Master Card.
Keypad Registration
Buzzer On/Off
With the help of various buzzer tones, you can check the operation status and the current settings and results of the product.
External I/O Pins
The input ports can receive signals from the Exit button and the Door Contact sensor, while the two relays can be connected to the door lock and the alarm device. One of the TTL output ports can function as a chime bell in connection with the door bell.
Duress Alarm
This is used in a situation where you should open the door inevitably by a robber insisting to do so. Entering the
Limited Access Tries for an Unregistered Card
You can specify the limit of times to try accessing the door, and the suspended operation time of the keypad for an improper access.
6_ product introduction