Proper care of your Cheap Charlie pellet shop and home heater is required for peak, sustained performance. The need for and frequency of cleaning depends on the amount of pellets burned, pellet quality, length of time since last cleaning and the quality of the fire. While becoming acquainted with your new stove and the types of local pellets, inspect your BURN GRATE, BURN POT, HEAT TUBES, ASH PIT, and WINDOW daily and clean until a pattern of cleaning requirement is determined. As heating demands increase the need for stove and exhaust system cleaning and ash removal will increase.
The by products of combustion contain small particles of fly ash. Fly ash will collect in the exhaust venting system and restrict the flow of flue gases. Incomplete combustion, (such as during startup) shutdown or incorrect operation of the room heater will lead to some sort of soot formation which will collect in the exhaust system. Because of this it is important that the exhaust system be inspected and cleaned at least once a year to determine if cleaning is needed. It is a good practice to inspect after every
WARNING: Disconnect the electrical cord prior to opening the sides of your stove or opening the exhaust system for any inspection, cleaning, maintenance or service work. NEVER perform any inspection, cleaning, maintenance or service on a HOT STOVE or when the electrical cord is plugged in.
BURN GRATE: [COLD STOVE ONLY] Clean as needed, scraping off any residue that may stick to grate bottom or sides. Ensure that the holes are clean and unrestricted. CAUTION: When replacing the grate make sure it fits properly in the burn pot with the lip on the burn grate, toward the front of your stove.
BURN POT: [COLD STOVE ONLY] Remove the burn grate. Clean out the burn pot as needed. Do not push the fly ash to the back of the pot, as this will restrict the air flow and performance of the appliance.
HEAT TUBES: [COLD STOVE ONLY} With your stove's main door closed pull the HEAT TUBE SCRAPER ROD forward and backwards a few times. As different types of pellets produce different amounts of ash, cleaning the tubes enables the heat exchange to operate efficiently.
CAUTION: On a burning stove the heat tube scraper rod will be hot.
Heat Tubes
Tube Scraper
Burn Grate 
Burn Pot 
Ash Pit 
ASH PIT: Monitor the ash level on a weekly basis.
Ash content is a good indication of fuel efficiency and quality. Refer to “Safety Precaution” for safe disposal of ashes.
WINDOW CLEANING: [COLD STOVE ONLY as hot glass may cause serious burns] To enjoy a clear view of the fire you should clean your window as needed with a soft cloth or paper towel. You may use a glass cleaner to remove heavy build up on the window. HOME TIP: Dampen a piece of newsprint with water, dip this into the fly ash, then rub down the glass. This works like a charm. Do not use abrasive chemical cleaners
Copyright 2004 | 26 | Cheap Charlie Owner’s Manual |
Canadian Comfort Industries | www.dansons.com | Dansons Group Inc. |