Event Logging Procedures
About Event Logging
The system records various events in a history log, which can be viewed by the master user on an Alpha Display keypad.
•The Event Log holds up to 100 events.
•Events are displayed in chronological order, from most recent to oldest.
•When the log is full, the oldest event is replaced by the logging of any new event.
Viewing the Event Log
(Master Code)
+ [#] + [6] + [0] | Alpha Displays: | |
| ∗∗∗∗DISARMED∗∗∗∗ |
2.The system displays the most recent event as follows:
•event number
•type of event, identified by its corresponding code (refer to the code table that follows)
•zone or user number (depending on type of event)
•partition in which event occurred
•time and date of the event’s occurrence.
3.Pressing [∗] displays previous events (back in time). Pressing [#] displays events forward in time.
4.Exit the event log by pressing any key other than [∗] or [#].
001E441 U001 P1 12:34AM 01/02/00
Understanding the Type of Event Displayed
If the event code is preceded by an E (as in the above display), it means that the event is new and ongoing; if preceded by an R, it means the event has been restored.
Code | Definition |
110 | Fire Alarm |
121 | Duress |
122 | Alarm, |
123 | Alarm, |
Code | Definition |
131 | Alarm, Perimeter |
132 | Alarm, Interior |
134 | Alarm, Entry/Exit |
135 | Alarm, Day/Night |
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