1.1.8Configuring the cleaning trigger 2 (Clean Trg. 2) (MHTC Reflow only)
Note: The cleaning trigger 2 to configure operation dependent draining appears only with the MHTC Reflow. With the cleaning trigger 2 settings you determine whether operation dependent draining is triggered depending on the fill cycles or on the conductivity of the water in the water tub (option) or whether the cleaning trigger 2 should be deactivated.
Select “Clean Trg. 2” in the settings menu, then press the <Set> key. The current settings for the operation dependent draining appear. The settings available depend on whether the operation dependent draining is deactivated (Off, factory setting) or the fill cycle (Cycle) or the conductivity controlled (µ Sensor) triggering of the operation dependent draining is selected.
Operation dependent draining deactivated (Off)
Fill cycle controlled draining (Cycle). With the parameter “Cycle” you can determine after how many filling cycles a drain is performed (setting range: 10...10000, factory setting: 100).
Conductivity controlled draining (µ Sensor) (Requires optional components). With the parameter “µS Limit” you can set a conductivity limit value. If during operation the conductivity value of the water in the tub reaches the set limit, a draining is performed (setting range:
10...5 000 µS, factory setting: 1000µS).
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