Siemens CS 275 manual Bus system with linear structure Teleperm M Remote bus

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This catalog is out of date, see note on page 2


Bus components

Connector board AF

The remote bus cable is connected to the bus converter via the connector board AF.

The board is provided with a terminating resistor which can be activated using a jumper. The resistor is activated in the con- nector board of the first and last bus participants (Fig. 3/3).

Standard locations:

Basic cabinet of the AS 235 and AS 235 H automation sy- stems

Basic system of the AS 235 K automation system

OS 265-3 system cabinet Remote bus connection unit.

Bus coupler

Autonomous buses are connected together via a bus coupler. Data transfer is then possible between several systems or sys- tem areas over larger distances (> 4 km) with decoupling of the data traffic on the buses.

The intermediate connection of up to 2 bus couplers is permissi- ble for data transfer between any two participants in the com- plete bus system.

Two different structures are possible when designing a bus sy- stem with bus couplers:

Line structure Hierarchical structure.

BK Bus coupler

Fig. 3/4 Bus system with linear structure


e.g. Remote bus


cabinet with

connection unit


AS 235 H

(OS 265-3)


4-km bus



Remote bus A Remote bus B

aTerminating resistor F (activated by jumper) AF Connector board

UI Bus converter

Fig. 3/3 Redundant remote bus with terminating resistors

Remote bus connection unit

The remote bus connection unit is used to connect those bus participants to the remote bus which are not installed in TELEPERM M standard cabinets, as e. g. the OS 520 operation and monitoring system.

The power supply module, inductive bus converters, connector board for connection of one participant or of a participant group (local bus island) are fitted ready for connection in a separate housing which is to be placed underneath a table.

Remote bus connection subrack

BK Bus coupler

Fig. 3/5 Bus system with hierarchical structure

In both applications, all buses or individual buses can be redun- dant as desired (Fig. 3/6).

BK Bus coupler

Bus 0 and bus 2 are redundant for availability reasons. To reduce cable costs, bus 1 is not redundant and is e. g. the connection between two buil- dings.

Fig. 3/6 Redundant bus, example

The remote bus connection subrack is used to connect those bus participants to the remote bus which are fitted in cabinets according to the customer requirements, e. g. SIMATIC S5-155U programmable controllers.

The power supply module and inductive bus converters for con- nection of one or several participants installed in the cabinet are accomodated in a subrack which has been prepared for instal- lation in a cabinet.


Siemens PLT 130 . 1994

Image 15
Contents This catalog is out of date, see note on Teleperm M Summary Siemens PLT 130 This catalog is out of date, see note on Mode of operation Data transfer Mode of operationTransfer control, data protection and transfer Data protectionAddressing, transmission modes AddressingTransmission modes Transmission reliability Time synchronizationConfiguring of communication This catalog is out of date, see note on Design Design General notes, local rangeLocal range Remote range, bus components Remote rangeBus components Bus system with linear structure Teleperm M Remote bus Technical data Bus components, technical dataBus configuration, examples Bus configurationsModules and ordering data Interface modules for 20-m local bus N-AS, 8 bit Interface module for 20-m local bus N-BK 6DS1 223-8AB Interface module for 20-m local bus N-BKInterface module for 20-m local bus N16-M, 16 bit Description Interface module for 20-m local bus N-V.24Technical data and ordering data Interface module for 20-m local bus N-S5 Interface module for 20-m local bus N-AT Description and ordering data Technical dataBus converter unit UI 13 Redundant remote bus with terminating resistors Connector board AFRemote bus connection unit FAE Remote bus connection subrack S5 Bus coupler 18 Bus coupler BK-FF, subrack configuration20 Bus coupler BK-FF, function diagram Front plug with contact points 6DS9 200-8AA Cable connectors for 20-m local busFront plug for 20-m local bus Application and ordering data23 Coarse overvoltage protection 6DS9 208-8AA Overvoltage protectionConfiguring notes Configuring notes and ordering dataRemote bus cables Remote bus cable with additional armouring V45466-D21-B65V45466-D21-B55 Cable plug SPN684732-00 Connection of remote bus cablesParts kit for splicing coaxial cables S45056-M125-A1 C45197-A114-C330This catalog is out of date, see note on Appendix SY-TRANS 300 CS gateway Description VMS/UNIX user interface Description SY-TRANS 300 CS converter GermanDocumentation for CS 275 bus system Ordering data AppendixSubject index