Wall Screws
and Anchors
4” Clearance
Waterproof Seal
Around PIpe
Jefferson Direct Vent /Natural Vent Gas Heater
3.Cut the opening:
CFM System: 9³⁄₈” x 9³⁄₈” (240 x 240 mm)
DuraVent System: 10” x 10” (254 x 254 mm)
4.Plumb any additional opening through the roof or other construction that may be needed. In all cases, the opening must provide a minimum of 1” (25 mm) clearance to the vent pipe.
5.Place the stove in its final position.
6.Install firestop(s) #7DVFS and Attic Insulation Shield #7DVAIS as needed. (Fig. 30) If there is a room above ceiling level, a firestop must be installed on both the bottom and top sides of the ceiling joists.
If an attic is above ceiling level, an attic insulation shield must be installed.
#7DVAIS Attic Insulation Shield
Fig. 28 Snorkel kit installation.
Recessed Wall
Sheet Metal
Screws and
Wall Screws and Anchors
Finishing Collar
Use Four |
8d Nails |
#7DVFS Firestop in Upper Floor
#7DVFS Firestop in Ceiling
Waterproof Seal Around Pipe
7” Pipe
Wall Plate
Fig. 30 Install firestops and attic insulation shield.
7. | Install the appropriate roof support and flashing, |
| making certain that the upper flange of the flashing |
| base is below the shingles. (Fig. 31) |
8. | Install appropriate pipe sections until the vent run |
Fig. 29 Use extension brackets to mount snorkel against recessed wall.
Vertical (Through the Roof)
Vent Assembly
Note that all vertically terminated installations must, where specified, use the restrictor plate to comply with Vertical Termination Window (Page 9, Figure 8), included in the hardware bag.
Make certain the vent system conforms to all other requirements for vertical termination as specified on Page 9.
This installation will require you to first determine the roof pitch and use the appropriate vent components. Refer to Figures 8 and 9 on Pages 9 and 10.
1.Locate the final position of the stove, observing all clearances for both the vent and the stove.
2.Plumb to the center of the inner (4”) flue collar from the ceiling above, and mark that location.
reaches above the flashing. The enlarged ends of |
the vent sections always face downward. |
9. Install the storm collar and seal around the joints. |
(Fig. 31) |
10. Add additional vent lengths to achieve the proper |
overall height. |
11. Apply cement to the inner and outer termination col- |
lars and install the terminal cap. |
Venting System Assembly - Natural Vent
General Information
The Jefferson Heater is shipped from the factory as a Direct Vent Heater. It may be converted to a Natural Vent heater by installing the CFM Corporation Model Z31D00 FSDHAG Draft Hood Adapter.
The Jefferson Heater is approved for installation as a Natural Vent unit. CFM Direct Vent outer pipe (7FSSK) could be used directly after the Draft Hood Adapter
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