IV. Frequent pilot outage problem.
V.Pilot and main burner go out while being in operation.
C. Defective valve.
D.Plugged burner orifice.
E.Wall switch or wires defective.
A. Pilot flame may be too low or blowing (high), causing the pi- lot safety to drop out.
A.High limit switch is defective or has reached its maximum tem- perature.
C.Horizontal flue improperly pitched.
1.Turn valve knob to “ON”. Place ON/OFF switch to “ON”. Check with millivolt meter at thermopile terminals. Millivolt meter should read greater than 100 m.v. If the reading is okay and the burner does not come on, replace the gas valve.
1.Check burner orifice for stoppage and remove.
1.Follow corrective action in A.1 above; check switch and wiring. Replace where defective.
1.Clean and adjust pilot flame for maximum flame impingement on thermopile.
1.Allow unit to cool. Then repeat lighting instructions. If pilot and burner remain lit after the heater warms up, the switch is good.
2.If 1 above does not allow for igni- tion, or the heater continues to
1. Check for leaks.
1.Horizontal flue termination should slope down only enough to prevent water from entering unit. The maximum downward slope is 1/4" (6.4mm) for any hori- zontal run.