Bose 151SEW, BOSE151WHT manual Bose 151 SE Environmental Speakers

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The Bose® 151® SE Environmental Speakers

Owner’s Guide



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Image 1 Bose 151SEW, BOSE151WHT manual Bose 151 SE Environmental Speakers
Contents Bose 151 SE Environmental Speakers Before you begin Carton contentsUnpacking For your recordsRequired tools and materials Speaker placementBefore mounting your speakers Speakers mounted on a wallMounting the brackets Mounting procedureAdjusting speaker angle Connecting your speakers to your receiver/amplifierSpeaker wiring Troubleshooting Testing the connectionsProblem What to do Example of amplifier rear panel connectionsCustomer service Cleaning your speakersLimited warranty Technical informationInden De starter Bose 151 SE-miljøhøjttalereUdpakning OplysningerHøjttalerplacering Nødvendige værktøjer og materialerInden De monterer Deres højttalere Montering af beslagene MonteringsvejledningJustering af højttalervinkel Tilslutning af højttalere til modtager/forstærkerHøjttalerkabel Afprøvning af tilslutningerne Problem Gør følgendeFejlfinding Rengøring af højttalerne KundeserviceBegrænset garanti Tekniske oplysningerBevor Sie beginnen Die Bose 151 SE Environmental SpeakersAuspacken Für Ihre UnterlagenLautsprecheraufstellung Benötigte Werkzeuge und MaterialienVor der Montage der Lautsprecher Halterung befestigen MontageAnschließen der Lautsprecher an den Receiver/Verstärker Ausprobieren der Anschlüsse Problem LösungFehlersuche Kundendienst Reinigen der LautsprecherBeschränkte Garantie Technische DatenAntes de comenzar Altavoces ambientales Bose 151 SEDesembalaje Para conservar como referenciaColocación de los altavoces Materiales y herramientas necesariosAntes de instalar los altavoces Vista desarrollada del altavoz y del soporte de montaje Procedimiento de instalaciónMontaje de los soportes Cableado del altavoz Conexión de los altavoces a un receptor/amplificadorProblema Acción Resolución de problemasPrueba de las conexiones Servicio al cliente Limpieza de los altavocesGarantía limitada Información técnicaAvant de commencer Les enceintes Bose 151 SEDéballage Renseignements à conserverAvant d’installer les enceintes Emplacement des enceintesÉquipements et outils nécessaires Enceintes fixées au murVue éclatée de l’enceinte et du support de montage Procédure d’installationFixation des supports Modification de l’orientation de l’enceinte Branchement des enceintes à l’ampli-tuner/amplificateurDépannage Test des branchementsProblème Mesure corrective Entretien des enceintes Service clientGarantie limitée Informations techniquesPrima di iniziare Diffusori ambientali Bose 151 SEDisimballaggio Informazioni importantiCollocazione dei diffusori Strumenti e materiali necessariPrima di montare i diffusori Diffusori montati su una pareteMontaggio delle staffe Procedura di montaggioCollegamento dei diffusori al ricevitore/amplificatore Problema Soluzione Risoluzione dei problemiProva dei collegamenti Assistenza tecnica Pulizia dei diffusoriGaranzia limitata Caratteristiche tecnicheVoordat u begint De Bose 151 SE Environmental SpeakersUitpakken Ter noteringPlaatsing van de luidsprekers Vereist gereedschap en materiaalVoordat u uw luidsprekers monteert Luidsprekers op een muur gemonteerdDe beugels monteren MontageprocedureLuidsprekerhoek bijstellen De luidsprekers op uw ontvanger/versterker aansluitenLuidsprekerbedrading De aansluitingen testen Problemen oplossenProbleem Wat te doen Schoonmaken van luidsprekers KlantenserviceBeperkte garantie Technische informatieInledning Bose 151 SE högtalarePacka upp För framtida brukVäggmonterade högtalare Innan du monterar dina högtalareMontera fästena MonteringsprocessJustera högtalarvinkeln Ansluta högtalarna till din mottagare/förstärkareHögtalarkablar Testa anslutningarna Problem ÅtgärdFelsökning Rengöra högtalarna KundserviceBegränsad garanti Teknisk informationPage

151, BOSE151WHT, 151SEW specifications

Bose has long been synonymous with premium audio quality, and their line of outdoor speakers exemplifies this commitment, particularly the Bose 151SEW and 151WHT models. Designed to bring exceptional sound to outdoor settings, these speakers are engineered to withstand the elements while delivering an immersive listening experience.

The Bose 151SEW and 151WHT are designed for versatility. They can be mounted on walls or placed on patios, gardens, or by the poolside, making them ideal for any outdoor gathering. Their sleek, weather-resistant design ensures durability, allowing them to perform in a variety of environmental conditions. These speakers feature a special enclosure that protects them from moisture and UV exposure, so users can enjoy their favorite tunes without worry, rain or shine.

One of the standout features of the Bose 151 series is the Stereo Everywhere speaker performance. This technology is designed to distribute sound evenly across a wide area, filling outdoor spaces with balanced audio. Rather than confining the listening experience to a small sweet spot, the Bose 151 models allow listeners to enjoy consistent sound quality from various positions, making them perfect for social gatherings.

Another key characteristic of the Bose 151SEW and 151WHT is their innovative mounting system. Each speaker includes a unique multi-position bracket that allows for flexible installation. Whether you want them mounted horizontally, vertically, or at an angle, these speakers can adapt to fit the space you have. This flexibility ensures that you get the most out of your outdoor audio experience.

In terms of sound quality, the Bose 151 speakers utilize a combination of high-performance drivers and a proprietary bass reflex port. This setup enables rich, full-range audio with impressive low frequencies that defy expectations for outdoor speakers. Whether you’re listening to music, hosting a barbecue, or cheering on your favorite sports team, the clarity and depth of sound will enhance any outdoor occasion.

In conclusion, the Bose 151SEW and 151WHT are exemplary outdoor speakers that showcase Bose's dedication to quality, durability, and sound innovation. With weather-resistant features, stereo performance, flexible mounting options, and powerful audio capabilities, they are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts looking to elevate their listening experience. For anyone seeking exceptional sound outdoors, the Bose 151 series is a compelling choice that truly delivers on performance.