When draining oil into a disposal unit or portable filter unit, do not fill above the
maximum fill line located on the container.
NEVER attempt to drain cooking oil from the fryer with the burner lit! Doing so will result in a flash fire if the oil splashes onto the burner. Also, applying burner heat to an empty frypot will severely damage the frypot and void all applicable warranties
NEVER attempt to clear a clogged drain valve from the front of the valve! Hot oil or
shortening will rush out creating the potential for severe burns.
DO NOT hammer on the drain valve with the cleanout rod or other objects. Damage
to the ball inside will result in leaks and will void all applicable warranties.
4.4.1 Pan Preparation
See Section 4.2.1– Assembling the Filter, and Section 4.2.2– Installing the Filter
4.4.2 Filter Operation
NEVER operate the filter unit unless cooking oil/shortening is at operating
temperature [~350°F (~177°C)].
1.Turn the fryer off. Ensure the filter pan assembly is prepared as described in Section 4
2..2.1– Assembling the Filter.
3.Remove fry baskets from frypot. Prior to filtering, skim large debris from the oil. Use extreme caution, as oil is at or near operating temperature, 350°F /177°C).
4.Remove the support grid from the frypot using the