1)Secure the legs to the remote condenser unit with eight M8×16 mm hexagon bolts and M8 nuts as shown in the illustration. See Fig. 5.
2)The legs have eight mounting holes. Secure the legs with eight bolts (not included).
Hexagon Bolt with Split Lock Washer and Flat Washer
Hexagon Nut
Fig. 5
4. Line Set
•Precharged tubing kits, available as optional equipment from HOSHIZAKI AMERICA, are recommended. Field fabricated line sets are allowed, see instructions below.
•The maximum line length for the standard refrigerant charge is 66 feet. Should an installation require a longer line length, additional refrigerant must be added to the system. Add .4 oz. of
Note: If the recommended guidelines of the installation are exceeded, the icemaker performance may be reduced.
•The maximum vertical distance between the remote condenser unit and the icemaker is 33 feet above or 10 feet below the icemaker. These distances are measured fitting to fitting.
Failure to install the equipment within these guidelines may adversely affect performance, component life, and warranty coverage.