Samsung RF221NCTABC user manual safety information

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•Do not place or use electrical appliance inside the refrigerator/freezer, unless they are of a type recommended by the manufacturer.

Products that require strict temperature controls must not be stored in the refrigerator

Do not place or use electrical appliance inside the refrigerator/freezer, unless they are of a type recommended by the manufacturer.

If you smell pharmaceutical or smoke, pull out power plug immediately and contact your Samsung Electronics service center

Do not let children go inside the refrigerator. Children could become trapped.

Do not insert your hands into the bottom area under the appliance.

-Any sharp edges may cause personal injury.

• Do not let children step on a drawer’s cover.

-The drawer may break and cause them to slip.

• Do not overfi ll the refrigerator with food.

-When you open the door, an item may fall out and cause personal injury or material damage.

Do not touch the inside walls of the freezer or products stored in the freezer with wet hands.

-This may cause frostbite.

Never put fi ngers or other objects into the water dispenser hole, ice chute, or ice maker bucket.

-It may cause personal injury or material damage.

Do not spray fl ammable gas near the refrigerator.

-There is a risk of explosion or fi re.

Do not store volatile or fl ammable substances in the refrigerator.

-The storage of benzene, thinner, alcohol, ether, LP gas and other such products may cause explosions.

Do not store pharmaceuticals products, scientifi c materials, or temperature sensitive products in the refrigerator.

-Products that require strict temperature controls must not be stored in the refrigerator.

Do not place or use an electrical appliance inside the refrigerator, unless it is of a type recommended by the manufacturer.

Do not stand on top of the appliance or place objects (such as laundry, lighted candles, lighted cigarettes, dishes, chemicals, metal objects, etc.) on the appliance. This may result in an electric shock, fi re, problems with the product, or injury. Do not put a container fi lled with water on the appliance.

-If spilled, there is a risk of fi re or electric shock.

• Do not use mechanical devices or any other means to accelerate the defrosting process, other than those recommended by the


Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.

Do not spray volatile material such as insecticide onto the surface of the appliance.

-As well as being harmful to humans, it may also result in an electric shock, fi re or problems with the product.

Never stare directly at the UV LED lamp for long periods of time.

-This may result in eye strain due to the ultraviolet rays.

Keep ventilation opening in the appliance enclosure or mounting structure clear of obstruction.

The installation or any service of this appliance is recommended by a qualifi ed technician or service company.

-Failing to do so may result in an electric shock, fi re, explosion, problems with the product, or injury.

Do not touch the power plug with wet hands. - This may result in an electric shock.

• Do not disassemble or repair the refrigerator by yourself.

-You run risk of causing a fi re, malfunction and/ or personal injury.

-When the interior or exterior LED lamp has gone out, please contact your service agents.

Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

-Keep fi ngers out of “pinch point” areas : clearances between the doors and cabinet are necessarily small. Be careful when you open the doors when children are in the area. Do not let children hang on the door. If not, a serious injury may occur. Risk of children entrapment. Do not let children enter inside the refrigerator.

Bottles should be stored tightly together so that they do not fall out.

This product is intended only for the storage of food in a domestic environment.

If a gas leak is detected, avoid any naked

fl ames or potential sources of ignition and air the room in which the appliance is standing for several minutes.

-Do not touch the appliance or power cord.

-Do not use a ventilating fan.

-A spark may result in explosion or fi re.

Use only the LED Lamps provided by manufacturer or service agents.

safety information _05

DA68-02657A.indb 05

2012.7.3 10:53:25 AM

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Contents Refrigerator To receive more complete service or accessory partsimagine the possibilities 1-800-SAMSUNGSAFETY INFORMATION safety informationSEVERE WARNING SIGNS FOR WARNING INSTALLATION Important safety symbols and precautionssafety information CAUTION INSTALLATION CAUTIONSWARNING CRITICAL USAGE WARNINGS 04 safety informationDo not place or use electrical appliance inside the refrigerator/freezer, unless they are of a type recommended by the manufacturer State of California Proposition 65 WARNING Warnings 06 safety informationCAUTION USAGE CAUTIONS CAUTION CLEANING CAUTIONS CRITICAL DISPOSAL power freezing08 safety information SETTING UP YOUR FRENCH DOOR REFRIGERATOR ……………… contentsTROUBLESHOOTING……………………………………………………… APPENDIX HOW TO ASSEMBLY THE HANDLES …………………GETTING READY TO INSTALL THE REFRIGERATOR Setting up your French Door RefrigeratorWhen moving your refrigerator 10 setting upsetting up ACCESSORIES AND REQUIRED TOOLSREMOVING THE REFRIGERATOR DOORS FLOORINGDisassembling the freezer door 12 setting upReassembling the fridge door Reassembling the freezer door 14 setting upHow to adjust the level ADJUSTING THE LEVELMAKING MINOR ADJUSTMENTS BETWEEN DOORS Using the water filter not provided INSTALLATION OF THE WATER LINEBefore You Install the water line Connecting to water supply lineTo use without the water filter Connecting to the water supply line18 setting up COMPLETING THE SET UPCHECKING THE CONTROL PANEL Operating your French Door Refrigeratoroperating Freezer/Fridge Temperature adjustment USING THE CONTROL PANELPower Freeze Alarm On/OffUsing the Water dispenser RF221 USING THE COLD WATER DISPENSERReverse Osmosis Water Supply Water clouding phenomenon22 operating PARTS AND FEATURESUsing the doors REMOVING THE REFRIGERATOR ACCESSORIES1. Door Bins 2. Tempered Glass shelvesCleaning the Interior CLEANING THE REFRIGERATORCleaning the Exterior To relocate the freezer drawer - Place the bin into the rail assemblyCleaning the rear side of the refrigerator 26 operating FOOD STORAGE TIPSFoods RefrigeratorSources PROBLEM troubleshootingSOLUTION 28 troubleshootingWARRANTY ON SAMSUNG REFRIGERATOR WarrantyUSAIn case the need for servicing arises Warranty Information CANADACustomer Care Center 1-800-SAMSUNG7267864 Customer Care Center fax appendix HOW TO ASSEMBLE THE HANDLESRequires reader to be installed on QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS?Scan the QR code* or visit to view our helpfulmanual del usuario RefrigeradorImagine las posibilidades Gracias por adquirir un producto SamsungINFORMACIÓN SOBRE SEGURIDAD información sobre seguridadSEÑALES DE ADVERTENCIA ADVERTENCIA IMPORTANTES PARA LA INSTALACIÓN Símbolos y advertencias de seguridad importantesinformación sobre seguridad PRECAUCIONES PARA LA PRECAUCIÓN INSTALACIÓN4 información sobre seguridad ADVERTENCIAS MUY ADVERTENCIA IMPORTANTES PARA EL USONo se deben almacenar productos que requieran controles estrictos de temperatura 6 información sobre seguridad PRECAUCIÓN PRECAUCIONES DE USOPRECAUCIÓN LIMPIEZA PRECAUCIONES PARA LA8 información sobre seguridad ADVERTENCIAS MUY ADVERTENCIA IMPORTANTES PARA LA ELIMINACIÓNpoder de congelación contenido Tenga cuidado de que sus dedos no PRECAUCIÓN queden atrapadosPREPARACIÓN PARA LA INSTALACIÓN DEL REFRIGERADOR Puesta a punto del refrigerador de puerta francesaSelección de la mejor ubicación para el refrigerador Cuando mueva el refrigeradorCÓMO RETIRAR LAS PUERTAS DEL REFRIGERADOR ACCESORIOS Y HERRAMIENTAS NECESARIASPISO Cómo desarmar la puerta del refrigerador12 Puesta a punto Cómo desarmar la puerta del congeladorCómo volver a armar la puerta del refrigerador 14 Puesta a punto Cómo volver a armar la puerta del congeladorCómo ajustar el nivel AJUSTE DEL NIVELCÓMO HACER PEQUEÑOS AJUSTES ENTRE LAS PUERTAS Uso del filtro de agua no provisto INSTALACIÓN DE LA TUBERÍA DE AGUAAntes de instalar la tubería de agua Conexión a la tubería de suministro de aguaRefrigerador Para usar sin el filtro de aguaTubería de agua corriente 18 Puesta a punto FINALIZACIÓN DE LA INSTALACIÓNFuncionamiento Funcionamiento del refrigerador de puerta francesaCOMPROBACIÓN DEL PANEL DE CONTROL Activación/desactivación de la alarma Power Freeze Poder de congelaciónUSO DEL PANEL DE CONTROL Ahorro de energíaUso del dispensador de agua RF221 USO DEL DISPENSADOR DE AGUACOOLING OFF KEY TECLA DE ENFRIAMIENTO DESACTIVADO Suministro de agua por ósmosis inversa IMPORTANTE22 Funcionamiento PIEZAS Y FUNCIONESUso de las puertas REMOCIÓN DE LOS ACCESORIOS DEL REFRIGERADOR1. Compartimentos de puertas 2. Estantes de vidrio templado2. Cajón superextensible LIMPIEZA DEL REFRIGERADORLimpieza del interior 3. Cajón del congeladorLimpieza de la parte posterior del refrigerador 26 Funcionamiento RECOMENDACIONES DE ALMACENAMIENTO DE ALIMENTOSAlimentos RefrigeradorFuentes PROBLEMA solución de problemas28 solución de problemas SOLUCIÓNGARANTÍA DEL REFRIGERADOR SAMSUNG garantíaUSACENTRO DE ASISTENCIA AL CLIENTE DE SAMSUNG Ensamble de jaladeras en la puerta del congelador COMO INSTALAR JALADERASEnsamble de jaladeras en la puerta del Refrigerador COUNTRY Manuel dutilisation Réfrigérateurun monde de possibilités Merci davoir choisi un produit SamsungConsignes de sécurité LINSTALLATIONCONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ 2 Consignes de sécuritéConsignes de sécurité POUR UNE INSTALLATION EN ATTENTION TOUTE SÉCURITÉ4 Consignes de sécurité Ne stockez pas dobjets ou de substances volatiles 6 Consignes de sécurité POUR UNE UTILISATION EN TOUTEATTENTION NETTOYER EN TOUTE SÉCURITÉ 8 Consignes de sécurité Congélation rapideTable des matières INSTALLATION DE VOTRE RÉFRIGÉRATEUR DOUBLE PORTE ……FONCTIONNEMENT DE VOTRE RÉFRIGÉRATEUR DOUBLE PORTE DÉPANNAGE ………………………………………………………………AVANT DINSTALLER LE RÉFRIGÉRATEUR Installation de votre réfrigérateur double porteChoix du meilleur emplacement pour le réfrigérateur 10 InstallationInstallation ACCESSOIRES ET OUTILS NÉCESSAIRESRETIRER LES PORTES DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR Démonter la porte du réfrigérateurDémonter la porte du congélateur 12 InstallationRemonter la porte du réfrigérateur Remonter la porte du congélateur 14 InstallationComment ajuster le niveau MISE À NIVEAUPETITS RÉGLAGES AU NIVEAU DES PORTES Avant linstallation de la conduite deau INSTALLATION DE LA CONDUITE DEAU16 Installation Utilisation du filtre à eau non fourniRéfrigérateur A utiliser sans filtre à eauConduite deau domestique RÉGLAGE DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR 18 InstallationFonctionnement VÉRIFICATION DU PANNEAU DE COMMANDEFonctionnement de votre réfrigérateur double porte Alarm On/Off Activation Désactivation de lalarme PANNEAU DE COMMANDECongélation rapide Energy Saver Économie dénergieUtilisation du distributeur deau RF221 UTILISATION DU DISTRIBUTEUR DEAU FROIDETOUCHE COOLING OFF SANS REFROIDISSEMENT Arrivée deau par osmose inverse22 Fonctionnement PIÈCES ET CARACTÉRISTIQUESUtilisation des portes RETRAIT DES ACCESSOIRES DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR1. Bacs de la porte 2. Clayettes en verre trempé2. Tiroir grande capacité NETTOYAGE DU RÉFRIGÉRATEURNettoyage de la partie intérieure 3. Tiroir du congélateurNettoyage de larrière du réfrigérateur 26 Fonctionnement CONSEILS DE CONSERVATION DES ALIMENTSAliments Réfrigéra teurla plus froide du réfrigérateur. Emballez dans un papier étanche Conservez dans lemballage dorigine et stockez dans la partieà la vapeur et à lhumidité pour la congélation. Congelez à 0 ºF ou -18 C. Décongelez dans le réfrigérateur ou vérifi ez la date28 dépannage dépannagePROBLÈME Service à la clientèle téléc Service à la clientèle 1-800-SAMSUNG7267864Si un appel de service devient nécessaire garantieCANADAAssemblage des poignées sur la porte du congélateur COMMENT ASSEMBLER LES POIGNÉESAssemblage des poignées sur la porte du réfrigérateur Code No. DA68-02657A REV0.0 DES QUESTIONS OU DES COMMENTAIRES?PAYS APPELEZ LE