Alto-Shaam AR-7H MANUAL CONTROL Dan Ger, WA Rning, AU TI on, Safety Proc Edures Preca UTI ONS

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Knowl edg e of prop er proc edu res is essen tial to the safe opera tion of elec trically and/or gas energize d equi pment. In accorda nce with gen erally accepte d produ ct safety labeling guideline s for poten tial hazards, the following sign al wor ds and symbo ls may be used throughout this manual.


Used to indicate the presence of a hazard that WILL cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if the warning included with this symbol is ignored.


Used to indicate the presence of a hazard that CAN cause personal injury, possible death, or major property damage if the warning included with this symbol is ignored.


Used to indicate the presence of a hazard that can or will cause minor or moderate personal injury or property damage if the warning included with this symbol is ignored.


Used to indicate the presence of a hazard that can or will cause minor personal injury, property damage, or a potential unsafe practice if the warning included with this symbol is ignored.

NOTE: Used to noti fy per sonnel of installation, oper ation, or

mai ntena nce inform ation that is import ant but not hazard rela ted .

1.This appliance is intended to coo k, hold or proce ss food s for the purpose of human consumption . No other use for this applianc e is authori zed or recom mended.

2.This appliance is intended for use in comme rcial establishments where all operators are fami liar with the purpose, limitations, and ass ociated hazards of this appliance. Operati ng

instruct ion s and warnings must be read and understoo d by all operators and users.

3.Any troubleshoot ing guides , component views, and parts lists included in this manual are for general reference only and are inte nded for use by qualif ied technica l person nel.

4.This manual should be con sid ere d a permanent part of this appliance. This manual and all supplied instr uct ions, diagra ms, sche matics , parts list s, notices, and labels must remain with the appliance if the item is sold or moved to another location.


For equipment delivered for use in any location regulated by the following directive:




AR- 7H Hot Hold ing Roti ss eri e Companion Operati on & Care Manual • 2

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Contents USA INS Tallati on Operatio N Mainten ANC EUnpack I NG Deli VeryAU TI on Safety Proc Edures Preca UTI ONSDAN GER WA RningSIT E Inst Allation AU TIO NAN GER STA LLA TIO NSI TE Inst Alla Tion INS TAL LAT IONDA NGE R ELE Ctrical CON NectionEL ECT RIC AL STA CK ING COM BIN AT Ions & Insta Llat ION RE QU Irements STACKIAR-7HNG CO MBI Nati on S Fact ORYARINSTALLE-7HDAU Tion AU TI O NSTA CK ING in Stru Ction S AN GE R Opera Ting Inst Ructio NSAR-7 H OP TI ONS & ACC ESS ORI ES Load the CAB Inet with HOT Food only Heating ProcedureReset the Thermost AT to 160F 71C Ther Mostat Calib RationOP ER Ating Instru Ction S Opera Ting INS Tructio NS Gene RAL Holding GuidelinesOL DIN G T EM PE R AT U RE Range Tation SAN Itatio Care and Cleaning CA UtionLeaning and PR Eventi VE MAI Ntenance CAR E AN D Cleanin G Clean DailyCA UTI on Trou BLE Possible Cause Remedy SE RviceTrou Bles Hooti NG GU ID E Electronic ROL Trou Bles Hooti NG GU ID E Manual ControlSE RVI CE VIE W 1 FU LL AS Sembly Service DA NG ERServ IC E SE RVI CE VIE W 2 in TE Rior Service VI EW SE RVI CE VIE W 3 SI NG LE Pane Flat Glas S Door Warn I NGSER VI CE VI EW 4 ST AIN Less Steel Back PA NEL Back ReplacementSE Rvice VI EW 5 DOU BLE PA NE Curved GLA SS Door WA RNI NGFasteners Required SER VI CE VI EW 5A DOU BLE Pane CUR VED GLA SS DoorServ IC E Cabl E Replacement KIT Servrviceice Part S LIS T SE RVI CE VIE W 2 INT ERI or SER Vice ViewSE Rvice VI EW 4 STA in LE SS Stee L Back Pane L SER VI CE VI EW 7 ELE Ctrical Elec Troni C Control SER VI CE VI EW 6 ELE Ctrical Manu AL CON TrolPage Page Page Page Page Page TR Ansp Ortati on Damage

AR-7H ELECTRONIC CONTROL, AR-7H MANUAL CONTROL, Hot Holding Rotisserie Companion specifications

The Alto-Shaam Hot Holding Rotisserie Companion is a versatile and efficient addition to any kitchen, whether in a restaurant, deli, or catering business. Designed for both manual and electronic control options, the AR-7H series offers flexibility and precision in food preparation and holding.

One of the standout features of the AR-7H MANUAL CONTROL model is its straightforward operation. With simple dial controls, users can easily set the temperature, allowing for optimal results when preparing various proteins. This model is particularly advantageous in environments where staff may require training, as the intuitive interfaces facilitate quick learning and effective use.

On the other hand, the AR-7H ELECTRONIC CONTROL model integrates advanced technology that elevates food holding capabilities. With an intuitive digital display and programmable settings, operators can precisely control cooking times and temperatures. The electronic model features a built-in recipe memory that allows restaurants to standardize their cooking processes and ensure consistency in flavor and quality across batches.

Both models utilize Alto-Shaam’s patented Halo Heat technology, which provides even and consistent heat distribution without the use of traditional flame methods. This gentle heat not only enhances food quality but also ensures that meats remain juicy and tender while keeping them safe for extended holding periods. The result is a product that maintains its temperature without compromising texture or flavor.

Also notable in these units is the humidification system; it creates the perfect environment for holding food. The moisture retention feature prevents drying out, ensuring that rotisserie chickens and other menu items remain succulent and appealing. This characteristic is essential for high-demand settings where food quality directly impacts customer satisfaction.

Additionally, the AR-7H series is designed with ease of maintenance in mind. The removable racks and non-stick surfaces make cleaning a breeze, allowing operators to focus more on cooking than on labor-intensive cleanup.

In conclusion, the Alto-Shaam Hot Holding Rotisserie Companion AR-7H MANUAL CONTROL and AR-7H ELECTRONIC CONTROL models represent exceptional tools for foodservice professionals. Their innovative technologies, user-friendly interfaces, and commitment to quality make them invaluable in maintaining the high standards required in today’s competitive dining landscape. Whether one opts for the manual simplicity or the advanced features of the electronic model, both promise to enhance food service operations significantly.