Alto-Shaam AR-7H MANUAL CONTROL, AR-7H ELECTRONIC CONTROL manual TR Ansp Ortati on Damage

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All Alto-Shaam equipment is sold F.O.B. shipping point, and when accepted by the carrier, such shipments


become the property of the consignee.



Should damage occur in shipment, it is a matter between the carrier and the consignee. In such cases, the


carrier is assumed to be responsible for the safe delivery of the merchandise, unless negligence can be


established on the part of the shipper.


Make an immediate inspection while the equipment is still in the truck or immediately after it is moved to the receiving area.


Do not wait until after the material is moved to a storage area.


Do not sign a delivery receipt or a freight bill until you have made a proper count and inspection of all merchandise received.


Note all damage to packages directly on the carrier’s delivery receipt.



Make certain the driver signs this receipt. If he refuses to sign, make a notation of this refusal on the receipt.


If the driver refuses to allow inspection, write the following on the delivery receipt:



Driver refuses to allow inspection of containers for visible damage.


Telephone the carrier’s office immediately upon finding damage, and request an inspection. Mail a written confirmation of the time,


date, and the person called.


Save any packages and packing material for further inspection by the carrier.



Promptly file a written claim with the carrier and attach copies of all supporting paperwork.

We will continue our policy of assisting our customers in collecting claims which have been properly filed and actively pursued. We cannot, however, file any damage claims for you, assume the responsibility of any claims, or accept deductions in payment for such claims.


Alto-Shaam, Inc. warrants to the original purchaser only that any original part that is found to be defective in material or workmanship will, at Alto-Shaam's option, subject to provisions hereinafter stated, be replaced with a new or rebuilt part.

The parts warranty period is as follows:

For the refrigeration compressor on Alto-Shaam Quickchillers, five (5) years from the date of installation.

For the heating element on Halo Heat® cook/hold ovens, as long as the original purchaser owns the oven.

For all other parts, one (1) year from the date of installation or fifteen (15) months from the shipping date, whichever occurs first.

The labor warranty period is one (1) year from the date of installation or fifteen (15) months from the shipping date, whichever occurs first. Alto-Shaam will bear normal labor charges performed during standard business hours, excluding overtime, holiday rates or any additional fees.

To be valid, a warranty claim must be asserted during the applicable warranty period. This warranty is not transferable.


1. Calibration.

2. Replacement of light bulbs and/or the replacement of display case glass due to damage of any kind.

3. Equipment damage caused by accident, shipping, improper installation or alteration.

4. Equipment used under conditions of abuse, misuse, carelessness or abnormal conditions, including but not limited to, equipment subjected to harsh or inappropriate chemicals, including but not limited to, compounds containing chloride or quaternary salts, poor water quality, or equipment with missing or altered serial numbers.

5. Damage incurred as a direct result of poor water quality, inadequate maintenance of steam generators and/or surfaces affected by water quality. Water quality and required maintenance of steam generating equipment is the responsibility of the owner/operator.

6. Damage caused by use of any cleaning agent other than Alto-Shaam's Combitherm® Cleaner, including but not limited to damage due to chlorine or other harmful chemicals. Use of Alto-Shaam's Combitherm® Cleaner on Combitherm® ovens is highly recommended.

7. Any losses or damage resulting from malfunction, including loss of product or consequential or incidental damages of any kind.

8. Equipment modified in any manner from original model, substitution of parts other than factory authorized parts, removal of any parts including legs, or addition of any parts.

This warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Alto-Shaam be liable for loss of use, loss of revenue or profit, or loss of product, or for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages. No person except an officer of Alto-Shaam, Inc. is authorized to modify this warranty or to incur on behalf of Alto-Shaam any other obligation or liability in connection with Alto-Shaam equipment.

Effective 02/09



Model: _______________________________________________Date Installed: __________________________________________________________

Voltage: ______________________________________________ Purchased From: _______________________________________________

Serial Number: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

W164 N9221 Water Street P.O. Box 450 Menomonee





PHONE: 262.251.3800 • 800.558-8744 USA/CANADA


262.251.7067 • 800.329.8744 U.S.A. ONLY




PR I N TE D I N U . S . A .





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AR-7H ELECTRONIC CONTROL, AR-7H MANUAL CONTROL, Hot Holding Rotisserie Companion specifications

The Alto-Shaam Hot Holding Rotisserie Companion is a versatile and efficient addition to any kitchen, whether in a restaurant, deli, or catering business. Designed for both manual and electronic control options, the AR-7H series offers flexibility and precision in food preparation and holding.

One of the standout features of the AR-7H MANUAL CONTROL model is its straightforward operation. With simple dial controls, users can easily set the temperature, allowing for optimal results when preparing various proteins. This model is particularly advantageous in environments where staff may require training, as the intuitive interfaces facilitate quick learning and effective use.

On the other hand, the AR-7H ELECTRONIC CONTROL model integrates advanced technology that elevates food holding capabilities. With an intuitive digital display and programmable settings, operators can precisely control cooking times and temperatures. The electronic model features a built-in recipe memory that allows restaurants to standardize their cooking processes and ensure consistency in flavor and quality across batches.

Both models utilize Alto-Shaam’s patented Halo Heat technology, which provides even and consistent heat distribution without the use of traditional flame methods. This gentle heat not only enhances food quality but also ensures that meats remain juicy and tender while keeping them safe for extended holding periods. The result is a product that maintains its temperature without compromising texture or flavor.

Also notable in these units is the humidification system; it creates the perfect environment for holding food. The moisture retention feature prevents drying out, ensuring that rotisserie chickens and other menu items remain succulent and appealing. This characteristic is essential for high-demand settings where food quality directly impacts customer satisfaction.

Additionally, the AR-7H series is designed with ease of maintenance in mind. The removable racks and non-stick surfaces make cleaning a breeze, allowing operators to focus more on cooking than on labor-intensive cleanup.

In conclusion, the Alto-Shaam Hot Holding Rotisserie Companion AR-7H MANUAL CONTROL and AR-7H ELECTRONIC CONTROL models represent exceptional tools for foodservice professionals. Their innovative technologies, user-friendly interfaces, and commitment to quality make them invaluable in maintaining the high standards required in today’s competitive dining landscape. Whether one opts for the manual simplicity or the advanced features of the electronic model, both promise to enhance food service operations significantly.