Your Range
Your range, like many other household items, is heavy and can settle into soft floor coverings such as cushioned vinyl or carpeting. When nm~ ing the range on this type of
The range should bc installed on a 1/4 inch thick sheet of plywood (or simi Iar material ) us t_ollows: 14’hell
tlzt~flo{)r c%ot(~rifl,q (~ll(lis ([t tll(~l).ollt
(//” th(’ /“(l} l(L/t’, the
plyw’oocf 10 the \aIlle IeYcl or higher th:ul the floor c(~~eriny.
This mill allou the range to be mol’ed
For complete information see
Installation Instructions in the back of this booh.
Leveling the Range
To remove drawer, pull drawer out all the W7ay, tilt up the front and take it out. To replace
drawer, inwrt glides at hac~ ~)i
Lh”ilw’er” beyond stop 011
glides. L ill dtam cr it. ncces \L~rY to insert em i ly. Let
Energy-Saving Tips
Surface Cooking
●~’ SC ~()()km’ are () f’ med i LIII1 we igh[ alum inure, w it h t i :ht - titt i ng
co Jcrs. and
“Cook fresh vegetables with a minimum amount of’ water in a covered pan.
●Watch foods when bring i n: them quickly to cooking temperatures at high heat. lk’hen food reaches cooking” temperature. reduce heat immediately to lowest setting that w i] 1 keep it cooking.
●Use res i dLla] heat with $Llrface
cooking whcrrever possible. For
example. when cooking eggs in the
shell. bring water and eggs to boil, then tLlrn to (JFF position and
co~ er cookware with 1 id to complete the cooking.”
Oven Cooking
●Preheat oven only when necessary. Most foods” will cook sat is f’actori ly without preheating. lf yOLI find preheating is necessar~, watch the indicator light, and pLIt
food in oven promptly after the Iigh( goes Outt
. Always turn OY en OFF before removing food.
●During baking, avoid frequent door openings. Keep door open as short a time m possible if it is opened.
●Be sure to wipe Lip excess spillage before starling the selt- cleaning operation.
c Cook complete ()~’en meals instead of” just one food item. Potatoes, other vegetables, and some desserts will cook together- with a
●Use residual heat i n the oven whenek’er possible to finish cooking casseroles, oten meals. etc. Also add rolls or precooked desserts to wwm ov”cn, LISiIl~