GE JBP22GP, JBP26GP, JBP26AP, JBP26WP, JBP22P, JBP25GP, JBP24GP warranty ~n~o~ ere~

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-A L- NOT OVER 1 11





Directions and Settings


Directions and Settings







to Start Cooking


to Complete Cooking
















Fried Chichcn


HI. Melt fat. Switch to MED


LO. Cover skillet and



For crisp dry chicken. co~er on]}




HI to brown chicken.


cook until tender. Uncover



after switch in,g to LO for I () minute~,







last few minutes.



Uncover and cook. turning











occasionally 1 () to 20 m inute~.















HI. In cold skillet, arrange


MED HI. Cook. turning



A more attention-free method




bacon slices, Cook jus[


over m needed.



is to start and cook al MED.




until itarting to sizzle.



















Sauteed: Lcsi tender


HI. Melt fat. Switch to MED


LO Coyer and cook



Meat may be breaded or


thin steah~ (chuck,


to brown slowly.


until tender.



marinated in sauce before frying,


I“olltld. etc.); 1 i \ cl”;











[hlch or whole fi~h






















Slmmcred or ~[ewed

Co\crcd Dutch

HI, Cover meat with water


LO. Cook until fork



Add salt or other seasoning


meat: ch ichen: c~mled

Oven. Kettle or

and cover pan or kettle.


tender. (Water should



before cooking if’ meat has not


beet: smoked pork:

I,arge Saucepan

Cook until fteaming.


slowly boil. ) For very large



been smoked or otherwise


\tcv, Ill: beef; tOIl~LIC: etc





loads, medium heat may










be needed.
















i%lelting chocolate,

Small Unco\ered

LO. Allow I () to 15 minutes






When melting marshmallows, add


butter. marshmallows

Saucepan. Uw

to melt through. Stir to smooth.






milk or water.



~mall ~urface unit.





















Pancakes or

Skillet or

MED Hf. Heat skillet 8 to


Cook 2 to 3 minutes per side.



Thick batter takes slightly longer


French toast


10 minutes. Grea\e lightly.






time. Turn pancakes over when











bubbles rise to surface.


















MED HI. Cook uncovered



Use large enough kettle to


Noodle\ or Spaghetti

Co\ered Large

HI. In co~ered kettle, bring






Kettle or Pot

~alted water to a boil, uncover


until tender. For large



prevent boilover. Pasta doubles




and add pasta ~lowly \o


amountf, HI may be



in \ize when cooked.




boiling doe$ not ~top.


needed to keep water at










rolling boil throughout










entire cooking time.
















Pressure Cooking

Pressure Cooher

H]. Heat until f’irst jiggle is


MED HI f’or foods cooking



Cooker should jiggle 2 to 3 times



or Canner



10 minutes or Ie\\. MED for



per minute.







foods over 1() minutes.
















Puddings, Sauces,


Ht. Bring ju$t to boil.


LO. To f’inl$h cooking.



Stir frequently to prevent


Candies, Frostings



























MED. Cook 1 pound 10



Unco\ered pan requiref more




HI. Mea\ure l/2 to 1 inch







water in saucepan. Add


to 30 or more minutes.



water and longer ti mc.




salt and prepared vegetabtc.


depending on tenderness







In co~’ered jaucepan bring


of \ egetable.







to boil.










HI, Measure water and salt


LO. Cook according to



Break up or \tir a~ needed while




as above. Add frozen block


time on package.







of vegetable. In co~ered










\aucepan bring to boil.








s2LltfWd: 0111011S;

~n~o~ ere~

HI. in skillet melt fat.


MED. Add vegetable.



Turn over or stir vegetable as


grwn peppcr~:





Cook until de~ired



necessary for even browning.


mu~hrooms” : celrry ; C(C





tenderness is reached.
















Rice and Grits


H]. Bring salted water to a


LO. Cover and cook



Rice and grits triple in \olume after






according tt) tlrne.



cooking, Time at WM. Rice: 1 cup rice











and 2 cups w ater—25 minutes. Grits:











1 cup grits and 4 cups water-40
























Image 11
Contents Self-Cleaning Electric Range If you received Damaged range Save time and money. Before you request serviceIf you need service Help us help youRead all instructions before using this appliance Important Safety InstructionsSurface Cooking Units Important Safety InstructionsSelf-Cleaning Oven OvenSurface Cooking Installing Your RangeEnergy-Saving Tips Leveling the RangeTJBP22P Features of Your RangeExplained Feature Index not all models have all featuresSee Surface Cooking Guide How to Set the ControlsDial settings may differ Surface CookingObserve Following Points in Canning Questions & AnswersHome CanningTqs Cookware Tips Surface Cooking Guide~n~o~ ere~ Automatic Timer and Clock Using Your Oven On models with this feature How to Set Your Range for BakingHow to Time Bake How to Set Delay Start and StopBread 400-4750 15-20 Baking GuideFor Frozen Roasts Why is my roast crumbling when I try to carve it?Roasting Frozen roasts can be Roasting GuideQuestions & Answers Why should I leave the door closed when broiling chicken?Broiling Use of Aluminum FoilBeef Steaks Broiling GuideHow to Set Oven for Cleaning Operating the Self-Cleaning OvenBefore Setting Oven Controls, Check These Things Follow These Steps after Self-Cleaning Care and Cleaning Plug-In Units Adjusting Oven ThermostatTilt-Lock stand-up Units General Directions Cleaning GuideSoap and Water Questions? Use This Problem Solver~ ~s appbce must be prope~ @undd Before YOU BeginStep PRE*RE for Electriul Connection Step IRE System Special Grounding Instructions Muminum WiringPage Wdll Be There Warranty