Craftsman 917.377592 manual Operation

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whenbarefootorwearingopensandals, Wearonlysolidshoeswithgoodtraction


oCheckfueltankbeforestartingengine. Donotfill gastankindoors,whenthe engineis runningorwhentheengineis hot Allowtheenginetocoolforseveral

minutesbeforefillingthegastank,Clean offanyspilledgasolinebeforestartingthe engine,

-Alwaysmakewheelheightadjustments beforestartingyourmower.Never attemptto dothiswhiletheengineis running,

Mowonlyin daylightorgoodartificial light


° Keepyoureyesandmindonyourmower andtheareabeingcut Donotletother interestsdistractyou.


runwhileoperatingyourmowerAlways. besureofyourfooting-- keepa firm holdonthehandlesandwalk,

• Donotputhandsorfeetnearorunder rotatingparts.Keepclearofthedischarge openingatalltimes.

oAlwaysstoptheenginewheneveryou leaveorarenotusingyourmower,or beforecrossingdriveways,walks,roads,


° Neverdirectdischargeof materialtoward bystandersnorallowanyonenearthe mowerwhileyouareoperatingiL

. Beforecleaning,inspecting,orrepairing yourmower,stoptheengineandmake absolutelysurethebladeandallmoving

partshavestoppedThendisconnectthe. sparkplugwireandkeepit awayfromthe sparkplugtopreventaccidentalstarting.

Donotcontinueto runyourmowerifyou hitaforeignobjectFollowtheprocedure outlinedabove,thenrepairanydamage

beforerestartingandoperatingyou mower

Donotchangethegovernorsettingsor overspeedtheengine.Enginedamageor personalinjurymayresult

Donotoperateyourmowerifitvibrates abnormallyExcessivevibrationisan. indicationofdamage;stoptheengine, safelycheckforthecauseofvibration andrepairasrequired.



°Nevercutgrassbypullingthemower towardsyou.Mowacrossthefaceof slopes,neverupanddownoryoumight loseyourfooting.Donotmowexces- sivelysteepslopesUsecautionwhen operatingthemoweronuneventerrain orwhenchangingdirections-- maintain


oNeveroperateyourmowerwithout properguards,plates,grasscatcheror othersafetydevicesin place.


• Check the blade and the engine mount- ing bolts often to be sure they are tightened properly.

o Check a!l bolts, nuts and screws at frequent intervals for proper tightness to

be sure mower is in safe working condition.

o Keep all safety devices in place and working_

o To reduce fire hazard, keep the engine

free of grass, leaves or excessive grease and oil..

o Check grass catcher often for deteriora- tion and wear and replace worn bag& Use only replacement bags that are recommended by and comply with

specifications of the manufacturer of your mower.

o Always keep a sharp blade on your mower.

,Allow engine to cool before storing in any enclosure

o Never store mower with fuel in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame or an ignition source such as a hot water heater, space heater, clothes dryer, etc.

CAUTION: Always disconnect spark plug wire and place wire where it cannot contact spark plug in order to prevent accidental starting when setting up, transporting, adjusting or making repairs.


The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of

California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.


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Contents Cautron Preparation Limited TWO Year Warranty on Craftsman Power MowerSEARS, Roebuck and CO., D/817 WA, Hoffman ESTATES, Illinois TrainingOperation To Unfold Handle Lawn Mower PerformanceWERMAINTE To Remove Lawn Mower from CartonMowing position Housing Drive cover Gasoline cat Wheel adjuster Prime Meets Cpsc Safety RequirementsEngine zone control cable To Aitachgrass Catcher Howto USE Your Lawn MowerEngine Speed Engine Zone ControlOIL Drive ControlGAS Before Starting EngineMulching Mowing Tips MowingtipsBefore Each USE Lubrication ChartGeneral Recommendations ManualMower Erial NumberGrass Catcher LubricationTo Sharpen Blade Gear CaseAIR Filter Remove drive cover Remove belt by To Adjust Cutting HeightTo Adjust Handle To REMOVE/REPLACE Drive BeltFully CarburetorTo Assemble Grass Catcher Lower frameEngine Fuel System HandleCorrection ProblemDoes not start CauseGrass catcher Not filling if so equipped Hard to push ProblemLoss of power Excessive vibration Starter rope hard To pullEntrenamiento Mantenimiento Y ALMACENAMIEN- to MomentoPapa Remover LA Segadora DE LA Caja DE CartonRendimiento DE LA Segadora Mantenimiento DE LA SegadoraBata de control que exige la presencia del operado Posici6n Para segar Mango inferiorPapa Instalar LOS Accesorios Cumple CON LOS Requisitos DE Seguridad DE LA Cpsc Faiviiliaricese CON SU SegadoraPapa Vaciar EL Recogedor DE Csped Control DE Zona DEL MotorPara Ajustar LA Altura DE Corte Para Montar Y Adjuntar ELGasolina Antes DE Hacer Arrancar EL Motor AceiteConsejosparasegar Para Hacer Arrancar EL MotorConsejosparasegaryacolchar Tabla DE Lubricacon LubricacionTabla DE Lubricacion Del reloj SegadoraRegular LlantasCaja DE Engranajes Para Afilar LA CuchillaRecogedor DE Cesped Ntmerodel modeode lasegadora cuando Io ordeneBujia LimpiezaFilifiode Aire Para Cambiar EL Filtro DE AirePara Removepjcambiar LA Correa DE Impulsion Segadora Para Ajustar LA Altura DE CartePara Ajustar EL Mango Desviador TraseroCarburador Marco del bastidorCombustible MotorSegadora Barra de control que exige la presencia dalo FOtros ProblemaDE Problemas Causa Aceitedel MotorDificil de empujar Problema CausacorreccionMal corte -disparejo Cord6n arncador dificildetimrPage NOo KEYDescription Rotary Lawn Mower Model Number NO. no Rotary Lawn Mower Model Number KEY Part DescriptionRotary Lawn Mower Model Number Rotary Lawn Mower Model Number KEY PartKEY Part Description Craftsman 4-CYCLE Engine Craftsman 4-CYCLE Engine KEY Part Description Model NumberKEY Part NOo DESCRIPflON KEY PartPart Description Craftsman 4-CYCLE EnginePage Page 800-4737274 Para pedJr servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio REV.1Call 7 arn 7 pro, 7 days a week 1-800-366-PART Para ordenar piezas con entrega a domicilio