3M™ Electronic Markers and
3M™ EMS iD Markers
E-Model Initial Configuration
Attention: All
Activating the Marker Locate Feature
In order to enable the electronic marker location feature of this receiver, you must identify the country in which the locator will be used. This initial configuration is required for the
Some countries do not allow all marker operating frequencies. Therefore, the
It is unlawful to operate this unit in any country with a configuration setting that is not specific to that country. In order to prevent the user from operating this unit with a configuration setting that is not specific to the country where it is operated, this unit is equipped with configuration software for installing country specific configurations.
1.Download the 3M™ Dynatel™ Locator PC Tools software from www.3M.com/ dynatel and install it on your computer.
2.Close any programs that may be using the COM ports.
3.Start the software program; Dynatel PC Tool kit
4.Connect the receiver to the PC via the provided RS232 serial cable or
5.Turn the receiver on.
6.From the main screen, select the country in which the unit will be operating. (If the country is not listed, select ‘All other countries’.)
7.A communication window will appear. (Baud rate 38400 / Com Port 1).
8.Press OK .
9.Press Initial Configuration .
10.Press Download .
11.The prompt line will display: Download Completed Successfully
12.Multiple units may be configured at this point by simply connecting the next receiver, turning it on, and pressing download.
13.Press Exit when all receivers have been updated.
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