Communicating with the GPS unit
Menu [SK] + Setup [SK] + More>> [SK] + More>> [SK] + Com [SK Toggle]
After the GPS interface has been activated, the Com [SK] will toggle through several options to configure the RS232 port of the receiver (depending on the application, or capabilities of the GPS unit). Select from the following options.
NMEA – The RS232 Port is configured to receive NMEA signals from a GPS unit (4800 Baud Rate). (Capture Mode/Mode 1)
GIS – The RS232 Port is configured to send and receive data to a GPS unit that has GIS mapping capabilities. (Capture/Transmit Mode/ Mode2)
PC – The RS232 Port is configured to communicate with a computer for the Dynatel PC Tool Kit application
PDA - The RS232 Port is configured to only send information if the GPS unit only has the ability to receive information.
Capturing the GPS Coordinates
(Capture Mode / Mode 1)
Menu [SK] + Setup [SK] + More>> [SK] + More>> [SK] + Com [SK Toggle] + NMEA
If the GPS unit is not configured properly, there is an error communicating with the receiver, or the GPS has not acquired enough satellites to pinpoint the location, the receiver will display the message “Insert External Device”.
When the receiver is communicating with a GPS unit, the LAT and LONG coordinates received from the unit will appear on the marker locate screen.
1.Locate a marker (See Locating Single Marker.)
2.Press Read [SK]
The information from the iD marker will display on the receiver screen, as well as the GPS coordinates. This information is saved automatically in the Read Marker History. (See Reviewing Read History.)
If the marker is a passive marker (rather than iD) the receiver will display “No iD Marker Found”. The GPS coordinates of the attempt to read the
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