Instruction Manual
858 LED Series
Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Isolation Transformer should bee placed on a brick in order to isolate the transformerr from direct contact with metal. The Series Isolation Transformer secondary cable should then be inserted from inside the housing up the condu it elbow. Using the two 40762 retainers supplied with the sign (looks like a cupped washer with a slot), placing one below the secondary cable receptacle
IMPORTANT Check the sign for shipping damage upon arrival and in all cases, check for d amage prior to installation.
h.Lower the sign with the legs and flanges into place. Plug the sign power cable plug into the secondary receptacle inside the conduit elbbow while lowering. Check the sign itself with a loong carpenter’s level to be sure it is level. As an alternate, remove the floor flanges and frangible couplings from the sign, unscrewing the frangible couplings from the floor flanges. Install the floor fla nges onto the sign anchor bolts. Level the floor fllanges for ease of installation of the sign. A long carrpenter’s level can be placed across the top of the floor flanges to be sure they are all in line and level. Do not tighten the anchor nuts tight (only
flanges. Note: Some verticaal adjustments can be obtained by rotating the floor flanges a turn or two on the frangible coupling.
i.Make sure all flanges are in fulll contact and sit flush on the pad before tightening thhe anchor bolts. Shim and grout as required. Onnce the sign has been leveled, attach the sign tether too the closest anchor bolt and tighten all the a nchor nuts securely. (Note: Anchor hardware is not supplied with the sign.) Anchor hardware should be corrosion resistant. The sign body must not be beent or distorted due to an uneven installation proceddure. Install a bare #14 AWG minimum copper grouund wire to the sign ground stud (stud located on sign bottom extrusion exterior and accepts #4 throough #14 AWG) and the other end to the groundiing rod clamp.
j.The sign is shipped set for a
k.Return power to series circuit and verify sign illuminates through all Regulator brightness steps.