LCD Messages - Alphabetical Listing continued
LCD Message | Message | Meaning |
| Type |
Move | Error | Moves cassette x from the drive to the magazine, where x |
Medium |
| represents the cassette number. |
x => Mag |
No Magazine | Status | There is no magazine in the AutoLoader. The DAT AutoLoader |
| is ready for a magazine to be inserted. |
Read | Status | Cassette x is being read. |
Tape x |
| x represents the number of the cassette. |
Ready | Status | A magazine has been loaded in the AutoLoader and the |
| Autoloader has completed scanning the cassettes and is |
| ready for operation. |
Ready | Status | Cassette x has been loaded into the drive and is ready for |
Tape x |
| operation. x represents the number of the cassette. |
Scan 1 | Status | The DAT AutoLoader is examining the cassettes in the |
Scan 2, etc |
| magazine to check for proper magazine loading and |
| configuration. |
Select | Info | This message is displayed if the SCSI command “PREVENT |
Prevent |
| MEDIA REMOVAL (LUN=0)” has been sent and the Select |
| button is pressed. |
Select x | Info | The cassette that has been selected is moving from the |
Load |
| magazine into the drive. |
Tape x |
Select x | Info | Pressing the Select button displays the message “Select x”. |
Push ENT |
| If Select is pressed again, x will increment to the next |
| cassette, else the “Push ENT” will also be displayed. To load |
| cassette x press the Enter button. If no button is pushed for a |
| couple seconds, the command is cancelled. x represents the |
| cassette number. |
Select x | Info | Cassette y is being returned to the magazine from the drive |
Unload |
| so that cassette x can be loaded. |
Tape y |
| x and y represent different cassette numbers. |
Send Diag | Status | The diagnostics are checking the AutoLoader mechanics, |
Checking |
| such as the elevator, and so on. |
Mecha |