111-1292 A 20/4/07 1:51 pm Page 1.24
Deck Housing
Remove grass debris from the top and underside of the deck housing immediately after use.
To prevent accidents fertilisers and top dressings are particularly corrosive. Thoroughly clean the mower deck immediately after use on treated grass and store well away from corrosive materials.
Securing Nuts & Bolts
Regularly check that all securing nuts and bolts are tight. Replace missing or damaged items immediately.
Control Cables
Apply a good quality medium grease to the inner control cables every 25 operating hours at the point of entry and exit from their outer cas- ings.
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS replace damaged cables.
Lubricate the wheels, pivot points and linkages with engine oil every 25 operating hours.
Apply a good quality medium grease to the inner control cables at the point of entry and exit from their outer casing.