Known Problems 41
The path will still come up and be bound to a virtual port based on the SysCallerID.
This false warning appears only if no AuthLocalUser is defined on the port.
CPU Utilization Statistic For the NETBuilder Remote Office bridge/routers, the CPU utilization statistic indicates a high percentage of utilization regardless of actual use. CPU utilization is displayed on the first line of the response to the SHow STATistics command. This incorrect display statistic will be fixed in a future release of the NETBuilder bridge/router software.
Deleting ATM Neighbors Bridge ATM Neighbors must be deleted before the associated virtual ports can be deleted.
DHCP Address Pool The LAN IP Parameters screen in the QuickStep VPN component of Web Link for Changes OfficeConnect NETBuilder model 145 bridge/routers with the VE package allows
you to define the starting and ending IP addresses for the DHCP address pool, however, user changes entered here will not take effect. In order to define the starting and ending IP addresses for the DHCP address pool use the menus to select Configuration ⇒ Services ⇒ DHCP ⇒ Address Pool. Enter the address to define the range and select Configuration ⇒ Services ⇒ DHCP ⇒ Control and set the value for Port 1 to Enabled, AddressPool.
Displaying The command SHow
included in the command. Use the following command syntax to display configuration details for the specified profile:
SHow !<profileID> -PROFILE CONFiguration.
Further, since the SHow
Dynamic Paths Dynamic paths might not be released back into the dial pool from the port if an incoming call arrives during a disconnect state. If the SHow
Extensible The Default Authentication Protocol parameter (DefaultAptCtl) in the PPP service Authentication Protocol does not allow you to set Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) as an option.
Contact your 3Com Support Representative for a patch version of the software that allows you to set this parameter.
File System Error Occasionally a false file system error message telling you to format and restore configuration files will appear on the console. These false errors appear when the background processing in the NETBuilder bridge/router is performing file operations and you attempt a write operation (such as a SETDefault command, DEFRag command, and FORMAT command). In these programmatic lockouts rather than media related error conditions, the flash file system will NOT need to be reformatted. Examining the results of the attempted command (such as SHow to examine the results of the attempted SETDefault) can indicate whether the file system error is a false indication or not.
Frame Relay Congestion The current implementation of Frame Relay congestion control requires that you Control set the committed burst size (Bc) and the committed information rate (cir) to the
same value so that the time interval (Tc) equals 1 second using the formula Tc=