1.Cable Modem Power - Indicates power is applied to the cable modem. This light is solid green when the modem is on.
2.Cable Modem Status - This LED varies in color (orange and green) and indicates the modem’s status as described in the following chart:
SHORT OFF, LONG ORANGE | YES | Startup, power on self test |
ORANGE | NO | Failed power on self test |
SHORT OFF, SHORT ORANGE | YES | Downstream hunt |
LONG ORANGE, SHORT GREEN | YES | Acquisition in process |
SHORT OFF, SHORT GREEN | YES | Offline/not authorized for service |
GREEN | NO | Fully operational state |
3.PC Link Status - Indicates that the cable modem is connected to the Ethernet card in your computer. This light is solid green when this link is established and your computer is turned on.
4.PC Link Activity - Indicates that data is being transmitted to or from your PC over the Ethernet port. Flashing orange indicates traffic. This LED should blink when data is being transmitted or received over the Ethernet port.