The Switch has a
If you only want the Switch to function as a basic layer 2 switch, you do not need to access the Web interface and configure the Switch.
This chapter provides information on how the gain access to the Web interface using the Dis- covery application. It also introduces the menu items and buttons that are available on the Web interface.
The following topics are covered:
■Requirements for Accessing the Web Interface
■Running the Discovery Application
■Logging On to the Web Interface
■Navigating the Web Interface
■Accessing the Interface Without Using Discovery
Requirements for Accessing the Web Interface
To connect to the Web interface, you need the following:
■The Discovery application, which is included on 3Com Baseline Switch 2426 PWR Plus
■A computer that is connected to the Switch and that has a Web browser
Running the Discovery Application
The 3Com Baseline Switch 2426 PWR Plus