Calculating Power Consumption

It is important that you calculate the tota l power consumption
and total current consumption required by the LinkBuilder MSH
chassis and the modules that you intend to install i n the MSH
chassis. Only by calculating these values can you be sure that your
selected combination will not exceed the power available for
Two Power Supply Units are available:
a 375 Watt PSU (3C18011)
a 525 Watt PSU (3C18012)
Chassis with a serial number less than 03110 do not support the
525W PSU.
You should select the PSU(s) to suit the power consumption you
calculate bearing in mind resilience considerations. If you use two
different PSUs in a redundant configuration, the redundant
capacity of the pair is that of the lower capacity PSU. It is possible
to configure an MSH with higher power requirements but
without redundancy using two PSUs. If you have a chassis with a
serial number greater than 03109, you may mix types of PSU.
Contact your local supplier for advice on configuring for higher
power requirements.
Chassis.bk : APPENDC Page 1 Monday, February 10, 1997 1:11 PM