The 3Com Token Ring-in-Fast Ethernet Server network interface card (3C395 NIC) allows a Fast Ethernet server to receive encapsulated token ring packets. The 3C395 NIC is part of a 3Com Token Ring-in-Fast Ethernet (TR-in-FE) system that allows both Ethernet and token ring clients to share Fast Ethernet servers without the use of bridging, routing, or proprietary code.
A basic TR-in-FE system, shown in Figure 1-1, gives token ring clients access to a 100 Mbps server. Such a system requires these components:
■Fast Ethernet switch (SuperStack II Switch 3000)
■TR-in-FE server (a Fast Ethernet server with a 3C395 NIC)
■3Com SuperStack II Switch 2000 TR with a 3Com SuperStack II Switch 2000 TR Token Ring-in-Fast Ethernet Module (TR-in-FE module)
SuperStack II Switch 3000
SuperStack II Switch 2000 TR with TR-in-FE module
100 Mbps TR-in-FE server
with 3C395 NIC

16/4 Mbps
token ring clients
Figure 1-1Basic TR-in-FE System
In a basic system, token ring clients connect to a SuperStack II Switch 2000 TR equipped with a TR-in-FE module. The TR-in-FE module encapsulates token ring packets within Fast Ethernet frames and allows interconnection to a Fast Ethernet switch connected to the TR-in-FE server. The 3C395 NIC allows the TR-in-FE server to receive the encapsulated token ring packets, thus providing access to the 100 Mbps server for token ring clients.