DOS Diagnostic Tests
You can run the Configuration and Diagnostic Program to perform DOS diagnostic tests after installing the 3C395 NIC or if you suspect a hardware failure.
Test Description
Group 1 These tests check the following items:
■Register Access
■FIFO Loopback
■Ethernet Core Loopback
■Encoder/Decoder Loopback
Group 2 This test does not apply to the 3C395 NIC.
Group 3 The Echo Exchange Test tests the NIC’s ability to transmit and receive data while on the network.
To run this test, you need another PC to set up as an echo server that receives packets from the NIC being tested and echoes them back to the NIC.
If the NIC passes the Group 1 and Group 3 tests, hardware failure is ruled out. If a problem remains, look at cabling, software, and other issues that affect network functionality.
About the Configuration and Diagnostic Program
The Configuration and Diagnostic Program is a DOS application that must be run with no drivers or memory managers installed. You need to boot from DOS without running the AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files. The program does not run in Windows NT DOS windows.
Windows NT users need to boot the computer from a bootable DOS diskette before starting the Configuration and Diagnostic Program.