Customer Documentation
Most functionality in Intelligent Switching software version 8.1.2 is
described in the documentation titles that are listed in Table 3.
* If you ordered a syste m that had Intelli gent Switching soft ware version 8.1.2 installed, then
you also received a Docum entation CD-RO M that contains onli ne versions of th ese documents.
If you are upgrading an existing system to version 8.1.2 and want to download the latest
documentation, visit the 3Com Web site: www.3com.com
Other functionality in version 8.1.2 is descr ibed in “About Software
Version 8.1.2” earlier in these release notes, as well as in Appendix A and
Appendix A briefly describes the new features that we re included in
Intelligent Switching software version 8.1.1.
AppendixB describes how to administer ATM. ATM is mentioned in
Appendix A and described fully in Appendix B.
Some titles of documentation that are shipped with the CoreBuilder 2500
system use the LANplex name instead of the CoreBuilder name.
Tabl e 3 Customer Documentation*
Title Part Number
CoreBuilder 2500 Getting Started Guide 801-00376-000
CoreBuilder 2500 Operation Guide 801-00375-000
CoreBuilder 2500 Administration Console User Guide 801-00374-000