
making it simple...

Auto Correct

mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers

Comment /

Uncomment Icon.

The Auto Correct feature corrects common typing mistakes. To access the list of recognized typos, select Tools > Options from the drop-down menu, or click the Tools Icon, and then select the Auto Correct Tab. You can also add your own preferences to the list.


The Code Editor allows you to comment or uncomment selected block of code by a simple click of a mouse, using the Comment/Uncomment icons from the Code Toolbar.


Bookmarks make navigation through large code easier.

CTRL+<number> : Go to a bookmark

CTRL+SHIFT+<number> : Set a bookmark

Goto Line

Goto Line option makes navigation through large code easier. Select Search > Goto Line from the drop-down menu, or use the shortcut CTRL+G.




MikroElektronika: Development tools - Books - Compilers